
来源 :世界研究与开发报导 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:GOG12
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文章全面介绍了苏联当前的科技政策调整与科技体制改革情况,其中包括:实现科研机构向新的经营管理条件过渡;完善计划和财政体制;加强科研与生产的相互结合;开展新形式的科研活动;超前发展基础研究;利用国防企业的能力来加强机械制造、电子、航天、计算机和新材科等技术密集部门;使科技进步管理体系与国家的社会经济发展任务相互协调;从国家集中计划管理过渡到国家-社会调节;基础研究由科学界自我管理;实施资源分配竞争原则,把技术鉴定工作提高到第一位;打破垄断制度和本位主义;提议建立总统科技委员会作为高级的咨询专家机构;采取税收刺激制度,促进企业对推广应用新技术工艺的敏感性;实施科研与设计机构活动的经营机制,建立科技产品市场;改革拨款制度,从对机构拨款过渡到对具体项目拨款;国家预算对科研的拨款到本世纪末将不少于全部科研费用的50%;不久前已在国家科委建立了革新基金委员会,不久也将在科学院和国家教委建立基础研究专用基金;为了减少科学家流向西方,建议给他们提供与外商签订工作合同的更大机会;全世界的经验表明,最活跃的革新活动是在100人以下的小型企业和机构实现;将建立与经济改革状况相适应的、科学与生产相结合的新的组织形式,如财团、联合体和伙伴关系等;已在一系列城市建立了技术园区,并预定建立附有技术园区的大型大学和院校以及在大学的基础上建立科研中心;有人提议在最近的将来对传统的科研组织形式进行改革,将科研与设计机构从目前的静态结构变为动态性科研组织形式,即实行合同制组织形式;应加强对仪器设备和情报工作的投资;将进行一项内容广泛的科技立法,在科技领域建立法律稳定性就意味着要建立社会对科学家、工程师和发明者等的信任性与保护性;1988年苏联部长会议批准了15项国家级科技规划;下一个五年计划的优先研究领域包括食品生产部门的工艺革命、社会信息化、新材科、能源的生态安全以及高温超导体等。 The article comprehensively introduces the Soviet Union's current adjustment of science and technology policies and the reform of science and technology system, including: the transition of scientific research institutions to new management conditions; the improvement of planning and financial system; the strengthening of the mutual integration of scientific research and production; the carrying out of new forms of scientific research activities ; Advance the development of basic research; use the capabilities of national defense enterprises to strengthen technology-intensive sectors such as machinery manufacturing, electronics, spaceflight, computer science and new materials science; coordinate the scientific and technological progress management system with the country's social and economic development tasks; Transition to the state - social regulation; basic research by the scientific community self-management; implementation of the principle of competition in resource allocation, technical appraisal work to the first place; breaking the monopoly system and standardism; proposed the establishment of the president of science and technology committee as a senior advisory expert body; Adopt a tax incentive system to promote enterprises to promote the use of new technology and process sensitivity; implementation of scientific research and design agency activities of the operating mechanism, the establishment of science and technology products market; reform of the funding system, from the allocation of funds to the specific project funding for the transition; Scientific research funding will not be less than the end of this century 50% of the total research costs; not long ago has been established in the State Science and Technology Commission Innovation Fund Committee, will soon be established in the Academy of Sciences and the State Education Commission, a special fund for basic research; in order to reduce the flow of scientists to the West, it is advisable to provide them with the work of a foreign contract Greater opportunities; world experience shows that the most active innovation activities are carried out by small enterprises and institutions under 100 persons; new forms of organization that combine science and production with economic reform will be established, such as consortia , Consortia and partnerships; technology parks have been established in a range of cities and large universities and colleges with technology parks are planned and research centers are established on the basis of universities; it is proposed that the traditional Scientific research organization form of reform, the research and design institutions from the current static structure into a dynamic scientific research organization, that is, the implementation of contract organization form; should strengthen the investment in equipment and intelligence work; will conduct a wide range of science and technology Legislation, the establishment of legal stability in the field of science and technology means establishing a society of scientists, engineers and researchers Etc. In 1988, the Soviet Council of Ministers approved 15 state-level science and technology plans; the priority areas for the next five-year plan include the technological revolution in the food production sector, social informatization, new materials science, energy Ecological safety and high temperature superconductors.
1986年春季,ARK Mori大楼在东京中部的AKasaka-Roppongi区竣工了。此高层办公大楼(37层)的总建筑面积为32,000m~2,其外部幕墙第一次在结构上使用了碳纤维增强混凝土。该幕墙
作者提出了确定当代技术发展趋向的六个座标轴,即企业的软化,事业的多角化,技术的融合化,技术开发的高技术化,技术的军民两用化和技术开发过程的反线性化。 The author prop
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