
来源 :康定民族师范高等专科学校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianwang800
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为了推进素质教育,培养学生的实际能力,结合“文化扬州”与西部大开发,我校与甘孜州委宣传部联合,于六月初召开了“西部大开发,文艺要崛起”研讨会。研讨会就面对西部大开发这一历史机遇,作为文艺工作者应怎样投身西部大开发,如何高扬民族精神,推动民族文艺的健康发展,并通过文艺为西部开发作好舆论上的宣传,更新西部人的观念,鼓舞、激发西部人开拓进取的意识,促进两个文明建设的繁荣与进步,努力实现在开发大潮中文艺事业的大发展等问题进行了交流。我校共有四十余名师生参加了此次研讨会,其中有十六名爱好文艺创作的同学完成了研讨文章并作了会议交流发言。这些理论研讨文章虽还存在一些不足,但同学们锐意进取、勤于思考、勇担时代责任的精神令我们心存感激。为此我们在本期以“西部大开发,文艺要崛起”为题,开设了“大学生论坛”专栏,摘要选编了其中部分文章以飨读者。 In order to promote quality education and cultivate students’ practical ability, in conjunction with the “Culture Yangzhou” and the development of the western region, the school jointly organized with the Propaganda Department of Ganzi Prefecture Party Committee and held a seminar called “Western Development and Literature and Art to Rise” in early June. The symposium, in the face of the historic opportunity of the great western development, as a literary and art worker, should devote themselves to the development of the western region, promote the national spirit and promote the healthy development of the national literature and art, and publicize and update the literature and art for the development of the western region The concept of the western people inspired and stimulated the awareness of the pioneering spirit of the people of the west to promote the prosperity and progress of the two civilizations and strive to realize the great development of the cause of literature and art in the tide of development. A total of more than 40 teachers and students from our school participated in the seminar. Among them, 16 students who love literature and art creation finished the discussion articles and delivered speeches at the conference. Although there are still some shortcomings in these theoretical discussion articles, we are grateful for the students’ determination to forge ahead, diligent in thinking and brave to assume the responsibility of the times. For this reason, in the current issue of “Developing the Western Region, Literature and Art Must Rise”, we set up the column of “Students Forum” and selected some of the articles for readers.
2000年3月16日 ,在北京人民大会堂召开了荣获首届国际文化景观保护与管理荣誉奖颁奖仪式 ,黄山风景名胜区喜获此奖。这既是联合国教科文组织对黄山世界遗产地、中国风景名胜区工作的
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七岁就想造飞机吴中元,出生在河南省嵩县旧县镇寺上村,穷山村里的一户穷家庭,爸妈都是老实巴交的农民。吴中元从小聪明顽皮,性子很犟,爱摆弄小玩意。他每次走城里 At the ag
90年代是本世纪最后一个文化选择的时代,后现代、后 殖民、新国学、新理性、还有中华性以及人文精神的 讨论等,几乎每一种产生影响的文化主张,都可视为不同的知识分子所作出
一、文化产业:文化产品生产、服务和消费的特殊产业 “文化产业”一词是本世纪30年代本亚明在《技术复制的时代》一文中首先提出来的,80年代从日本传入我国(参见东方出版社1
当今时代,网络化革命不仅深刻地改变着人们的社会生活方式和交往方式,而且由此衍生出的网络文化对于传统的以民族国家为主体的民族文化注入了新的生机,更带来了新的挑 In today