Electrochemically driven dynamic plasmonics

来源 :AdvancedPhotonics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hobbysh
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Dynamic plasmonics with the real-time active control capability of plasmonic resonances attracts much interest in the communities of physics, chemistry, and material science. Among versatile reconfigurable strategies for dynamic plasmonics, electrochemically driven strategies have garnered most of the attention. We summarize three primary strategies to enable electrochemically dynamic plasmonics, including structural transformation, carrier-density modulation, and electrochemically active surrounding-media manipulation. The reconfigurable microstructures, optical properties, and underlying physical mechanisms are discussed in detail. We also summarize the most promising applications of dynamic plasmonics, including smart windows, structural color displays, and chemical sensors. We suggest more research efforts toward the widespread applications of dynamic plasmonics.
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光纤链路温度是影响光纤时间同步精度的重要因素,但光纤纤芯的实时温度存在测量难度大,估算误差大等问题。提出了一种测量光纤链路实时温度的新方法。通过对光纤链路往返时延和的精确测量,并通过卡尔曼滤波消除时延抖动和系统噪声,精准地推算出光纤链路纤芯的实时等效平均温度。基于分段温度模型的仿真结果验证了所提等效平均温度用于时间同步系统的可行性。温控箱实验结果表明,所提方法的温度测量精度约为0.015 ℃。采用所提方法实时跟踪纤芯温度可使环回法时间同步系统授时精度提高约1 ns。