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A cultivar trial, including commercial and heirloom cultivars of major cereals and grain legumes was conducted in Vancouver, BC, under low input organic conditi
Harar (Terminalia chebula), a large deciduous tree belongs to family combretaceae. It grows naturally in greater part of India up to 1500 m elevation. Due to se
Meliaceae plants are distinguished by the attack of the shootborer Hypsipyla grandella and also for the occurrence of limonoids, alkaloids and phenolic compound
穿越/三千年的晓露晨霜/轻轻地/以赋比兴的手法/打开/线装的《诗经》/就会真切地望见/三千里蒹葭/依旧苍茫/三千棵荇菜/正洋溢着古典的馨香/那可都是最悠久的文化呀/曾经/散落在西周的民间/那么/此刻/就让我们沿着文字的河流/顺着今天的作家们手指的方向/去采撷那风雅颂的芬芳吧——    横穿《诗经》的河流  洪烛  “关关雎鸠,在河之洲。”掀开《诗经》的第一页,总是那条河流阻挡住我的去路,所以我无法
Modern agriculture is facing new challenges in which ecological and molecular approaches are being integrated to achieve higher crop yields while minimizing neg
Spirulina is an edible algae and has a wide range of pharmaceutical applications in addition to its nutritional value. Isolation and identification of several S
A study using detached-leaves aimed to improve selection method. The improving method was done by scoring both disease symptom and lesion size. The research was