Growth of C_(60)(111) single crystalline thin film on Ni_3Co(111) substrate

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aivinator
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SINCE the discovery of a simple graphite-arc method which can produce grams of C_(60), the growth of high quality C_(60) films on various substrates has been one of the main subjects for fullerene research. It is reported that the growth behavior of C_(60) films is determined by geometrical matching and the bonding properties between C_(60) lattice and the surface of substrate. Much work has been done to investigate the growth and structure of C_(60) films on various nonmetallic substrates, such as graphite, MoS_2, mica and NaCl. The interactions between C_(60) and nonmetallic substrates are van der Walls forces, so the growth of C_(60) on these sub SINCE the discovery of a simple graphite-arc method which can produce grams of C_ (60), the growth of high quality C_ (60) films on various substrates has been one of the main subjects for fullerene research. It is reported that the growth Behavior of C_ (60) films is determined by geometrical matching and the bonding properties between C_ (60) lattice and the surface of substrate. Much work has been done to investigate the growth and structure of C_ (60) films on various nonmetallic substrates, such as graphite, MoS_2, mica and NaCl. The interactions between C_ (60) and nonmetallic substrates are van der Walls forces, so the growth of C_ (60) on these sub
1月18日 晴  春天来了,窗外的栀子花又开了,闻着淡淡的花香,拾起一片花瓣,我又想起了远在天边的奶奶。  小时候,奶奶总是骑着自行车载我去上幼儿园,一路上哼着不知名的歌,犹如一个天真活泼的小孩子。晚上接我放学时,她总会从兜里掏出几颗糖果,笑呵呵地看着我,我也看着她,问道:“奶奶,你不吃吗?”她总会说:“奶奶已经吃过了,这些留给我的宝贝孙子吃。”  上小学了,奶奶帮我提着书包,一路叮嘱我:“你长大
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