自然教学大纲中对低年级的基本要求是:“指导学生利用感官进行观察,培养学生对自然事物的好奇心、实事求是、认真细致的科学态度。”在教学中我遵循大纲的要求从以下三方面进行教学实施活动: 一、让学生多活动、多观察、多问为什么,培养科学志趣 低年纸学生年龄小,比其他年级的学生要好奇、好玩,对什么都想亲自看看摸摸试试。在教学中我遵循儿童的认知规律,把握儿童的心理特点,引导儿童在学中玩、玩中学,使儿童在轻松愉快的活动中获取知识、发展能力、受到教育。如在教学人教版五年制二册12课《我们的
The basic requirements for the lower grades in the nature syllabus are: “Instruct students to use the senses to observe and develop their curiosity, pragmatism and serious scientific attitude toward the natural world.” In teaching, I followed the outline from the following three aspects Conduct teaching activities: First, let the students more activities, observe more, ask why, to cultivate the interest of science Young students are young, more curious than the other grades of students, fun, want to see everything to try . In teaching, I follow the children's cognitive rules, grasp the psychological characteristics of children, guide children to play in school, play secondary school, so that children in a relaxed and happy activities to gain knowledge, development and education. As in teaching PEP five years two volumes 12 "our