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What is ordinarily assumed is that the Ioadable TEU capacity of a full container ship is a constant figure. which is close to the designed figure provided by the ship-yard where the ship had been designed/ built. But in fact the said figure is not a constant one and is variable in each voyage to each ship. If some carrier overestimated this figure, it would be found that some containers must be shut out the moment just before sailing, the shipper would suffer a great deal of troubles for shutting out the goods Which is ordinarily assumed that the Ioadable TEU capacity of a full container ship is a constant figure. Which is close to the designed figure provided by the ship-yard where the ship had been designed / built. a constant one and is variable in each voyage to each ship. If some carrier overestimated this figure, it would be found that some containers must be shut out the moment just before sailing, the shipper would suffer a great deal of troubles for shutting out the the goods
《社会保险法(草案)》公布后,备受社会各界关注和热议。本刊撷取了来自学界、企业界和社保业界的三位作者的观点和意见,供读者参考。 After the promulgation of the “Soci
农一师以科学发展观总揽全局,有力地推进了该师农业产业化、新型工业化、城镇现代化建设,在塔里木河两岸充分展现了建设大军、中流砥柱的风采。 With a scientific outlook
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《中华人民共和国食品安全法》(以下简称《食品安全法》)已于今年6月1日起开始正式实施,食品卫生法同时废止。“卫生”与“安全”两字简单的更替,却深刻影响到每个人的餐桌。  俗话说,民以食为天。有调查表明,60%的人遭遇过食品安全问题。近年来。从“瘦肉精”“苏丹红”到“三聚氰胺”等食品安全事件接连发生。尤其是“三聚氰胺”事件,不仅导致了三鹿奶粉的破产。更使国内外消费者对中国的食品产生了某种怀疑。如何吃