Continuous unidirectional solidification of QAl9-4 Cu-Al alloy

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:freedomo
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A continuous unidirectional solidification equipment with the advantages of electric slag remelting, induction heating, continuous casting and unidirectional solidification was built to study the QAl9 4 Cu Al alloy. The results show that the electro slag induction continuous unidirectional solidification process can be used for the steady continuous unidirectional solidification of QAl9 4, and revitalizes the down pulling continuous unidirectional solidification process; that the temperature distribution in the mold wall reflects that of the molten metal in the mold, thus the temperature distribution in the mold wall can be used to control the electric slag induction continuous unidirectional solidification process; and that the mutual matching of the technological parameters is the key to stabilize the solidification process. A continuous unidirectional solidification equipment with the advantages of electric slag remelting, induction heating, continuous casting and unidirectional solidification built to the QAl9 4 Cu Al alloy. The results show that the electro-slag induction continuous unidirectional solidification process can be used for the steady continuous unidirectional solidification of QAl9 4, and revitalizes the down pulling continuous unidirectional solidification process; that the temperature distribution in the mold wall reflects that of the molten metal in the mold, thus the temperature distribution in the mold wall can be used to control the electric slag induction continuous unidirectional solidification process; and that the mutual matching of the technological parameters is the key to stabilize the solidification process.
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