
来源 :湖南安全与防灾 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:howard2000_0
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安全生产管理机构指的是生产经营单位专门负责安全生产监督管理的内设机构,其工作人员都是专职安全生产管理人员。安全生产管理机构的作用是落实国家有关安全生产法律法规,组织生产经营单位内部各种安全检查活动,负责日常安全检查,及时整改各种事故隐患,监督安全生产责任制落实等等。它是生产经营单位安全生产的重要组织保证。从理论上讲,每个生产经营单位都应该设立安全管理机构,但在实际工作中,某些生产经营单位危险性很小,如电子行业等,可以不设立专职安全生产管理机构,由专职或者兼职安全生产管理人员来负责安全生产工作就可以。因此,是否设立安全生产管理机构,以及配备多少专职安全生产管理人员,还是配备兼职安全管理人员,这要根据生产经营单位的危险性、规模大小等因素来确定。从当前来讲,生产危险性较大的行业主要有三种。一是矿山开采。除小部分工作以外,主要是在井下作业。井下作业场所狭小、阴暗、潮湿、多变,生产环节 Production safety management agency refers to the production and operation of the unit responsible for safety supervision and management of the establishment of institutions, and its staff are full-time safety management personnel. The role of safety management agencies is to implement the state laws and regulations on work safety, organize production and operation of various internal safety inspection activities, responsible for daily safety inspections, timely rectification of various accidents, supervision of production safety responsibility system and so on. It is an important organizational guarantee for the safe production of production and operation units. In theory, each production and operation unit should establish a safety management institution. However, in actual work, some production and operation units are not very dangerous. For example, the electronics industry may not set up a full-time safety management institution, Part-time production safety management staff to be responsible for safety in production can be. Therefore, the establishment of safety management agencies, as well as with the number of full-time production safety management staff, or with part-time safety management personnel, which according to the production and operation units of the risk, size and other factors to determine. At present, there are mainly three types of industries that are more dangerous to produce. First, mining. In addition to a small part of the work, mainly in the underground operations. Downhole workplace is small, dark, humid, changeable, production processes
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