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北京的秋天,是最美丽的季节。《剧本》月刊创刊四十年纪念活动,在什刹海西岸前清恭王府花园大戏台举行。王府故园,草木葱笼,庭院深深,分外幽静,这里洋溢着友谊的热流。参加第六届全国优秀剧本创作奖颁奖活动的各地作家和领导是第一批客人,他们带来各地同行的热情祝贺,谈论着《剧本》月刊多年来发表的作品。接着,首都戏剧界的朋友纷纷赶来,他们之中有延安时期以来一代代老中青剧作家、戏剧理论家、教育家、研究家,有各戏剧院团的领导和编创人员,有解放军系统、及国家产业系统的文艺界人士,有中央和首都各兄弟报刊、出版社的编辑、记者,有中宣部、文化部、新闻出版署、中国文联、中国剧协的领导同志……八十高龄的老一辈戏剧家张庚,由人搀扶着颤颤巍巍地前来即席讲话;多 Beijing’s autumn is the most beautiful season. “Script” magazine started forty anniversary commemorative activities, in Shichahai West Bank in front of Prince Gong’s Garden Grand Stage. Home of the palace, grass Cong Cong, the courtyard deep, exceptionally quiet, filled with the heat of friendship here. Writers and leaders from all over the country attending the Sixth National Excellent Script Writing Awards were the first guests to bring enthusiastic greetings from their counterparts and talk about works published over the years in the “Script” magazine. Then came the friends of the capital theater industry. Among them were writers, theatrical theorists, educators and researchers of generations of Yan’an period, leaders and compilers of various theater troupes, among them the People’s Liberation Army , And literary and art circles in the national industrial system. There are editors and reporters of the brothers and sisters of the Central Government and the capital, as well as the leading comrades of the Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Culture, the Press and Publication Administration, the China Federation of Literature and the Chinese Theater Association ... Eighty Zhang Geng, the elder older generation dramatist, came to the impromptu speech by his arm;
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