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主持人语:适应国内外形势的新变化,顺应人民群众的新期待,我们必须以改革创新的精神做好新闻宣传工作。特别是对作为党和人民重要舆论阵地的各级党报来说,面对发展中出现的新情况、新问题,其新闻宣传的创新十分紧迫,势在必行。改革创新,我们就要坚持用时代的要求审视新闻宣传工作,用发展的眼光研究新闻宣传工作,按照新闻传播规律办事,不断更新观念,创新内容,丰富手段,努力使新闻宣传工作更好地体现时代性、把握规律性、富于创造性。本期《前沿关注》栏目发表的几篇文章,从创新理念、开放思维、打造亮点谈到具体的党报重大主题报道创新,思考深刻,见解独特,相信会给我们以有益的启示。 Moderator: Adapting to the new changes in the situation both at home and abroad, in keeping with the new expectations of the people and the masses, we must do a good job in press and propaganda in the spirit of reform and innovation. Especially for party newspapers at all levels, which are positions of major public opinion of the party and the people, innovations in press and publicity are very urgent and imperative in the face of new and emerging problems in their development. In carrying out reforms and innovations, we must persist in using the requirements of the times to examine press and propaganda work, study press and propaganda work in the light of our development vision, work in accordance with the laws governing the dissemination of news, and constantly update our concepts, innovate content and enrich our means so as to make the work of publicizing news better Age, grasp the law, full of creativity. Several articles published in this issue of “Frontier Concern” show innovative ideas, deep thinking and unique insights from the innovative ideas, open thinking, and highlighting the major themes of the specific newspaper. They are believed to give us helpful inspiration.
女纪委副书记在挪用公款罪行败露后潜逃,一年后,她在湖南株洲落网时对前来抓捕她的干警说:“谢谢你们结束了我的惊魂之旅。”    事业一帆风顺,风光的背后其实已走到悬崖尽头    1975年,17岁的陈青云被下放到湖南省祁阳县农村。20岁那年,因为在大队的出色表现,她被调往湖南省衡阳市电子工业局,担任办公室文秘。  由于追求上进、人缘好,她很快被局里列为重点培养对象,职位节节攀升,先后担任过劳资科、宣
活动设想:延庆县香水园街道新兴东社区党支部在带领党员为社区服务的过程中,发现一些党员主动性不强,需要支部上门派任务。支部通过分析意识到, Activities envisaged: Yanq