
来源 :海湖盐与化工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoliang668
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螺旋藻是生长在热带和亚热带碱性盐湖中的一种蓝色光合自养微细藻类 ,因外形酷似钟表发条的螺旋而得名。据有关资料介绍 ,螺旋藻原产于非洲乍得湖。当地居民因长期食用这种藻类 ,虽然生活异常困苦 ,体格却惊人的强壮 ,并且长寿。这种现象引起了人们重视。从 2 0世纪 60年代起 , Spirulina is a blue photosynthetic autotrophic algae that grows in the tropical and subtropical alkaline salt lakes and is named for the shape of a spiral resembling clockwork. According to the information, Spirulina native to Lake Chad in Africa. Because of long-term consumption of this algae, local residents are amazingly strong and longevity, although their lives are extremely difficult. This phenomenon has attracted people’s attention. From the 1960s onwards,
5月 13日 ,由中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所、浙江省玉环县科学技术研究院、玉环县海洋生物化学有限公司组成的甲壳素研究与开发联合实验室签字暨揭牌仪式在玉环县海洋生物化
Background:Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among females.Genetic polymorphisms might have a role in carcinogenesis.The aim of this study was to
Background:Four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the modulator recognition factor 2/AT-rich interaction domain 5B (MRF2/ARID5B) gene located at chromos
20 0 1年第一季度国家质量技术监督局对北京、天津、河北 (唐山 )三个省市市场的零售加碘食用盐进行了国家监督抽查。从抽查情况看 ,加碘食用盐的合格率较高。本次抽查了 30
1 工业纯钦特性rn工业纯钦是有色金属,呈银白色,比重小,突出特点是熔点高(熔点1 668℃)、导电性差、线膨胀系数小、密度比铁低、比强度大、电阻率大,十分坚韧和耐腐蚀.焊接熔