打印世界 谁主沉浮———打印机发展趋势漫谈

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自从日本东京奥运会上出现第一台能够真正与电脑相连的电子打字机以来,打印机就作为电脑重要的外部设备进入电子信息产品的行列。从几年前还在我们的办公生活中占重要地位的击打型到如今的彩色激光甚至是染料升华型,打印机已经经历了巨大的演变。随着科技的发展以及人们对图文质量要求的提高,打印机必然会跟随电脑走进千家万户,在这种情况下,对打印机在未来几年内的发展方向进行一番全面的判断,无疑会给那些急于想了解这方面信息的人们一些帮助。现在市场上流行的打印机,按打印方式可分为两种类型,即击打式打印机和非击打式打印机。击打式打印机是通过由电子控制的打印头,对介质进行真正意义上的“打”印。我们所熟悉的EPSON 1600K就属于这种意义上的打印机。非击打式打印机主要包括喷墨式打印机和激光打印机,如惠普的Desk Jet和Laserjet系列,当然还包括其他一些鲜为人知的热转印式高档打印机,那么,这些类型的打印机在未来几年内的发展趋势如何呢? Since the first electronic typewriter that can be truly connected to a computer at the Tokyo Olympics in Japan, the printer has entered the ranks of electronic information products as an important external device for computers. Printers have undergone tremendous evolution, from striking types that predominate in our office years ago to today’s color lasers and even dye sublimation types. With the development of science and technology and the improvement of the quality of graphics, the printer will inevitably follow the computer into the tens of thousands of households. Under such circumstances, the printer will make some comprehensive judgments in the coming years. Give some help to those who are anxious to know the information in this area. Now popular on the market of printers, according to the printing method can be divided into two types, namely hit-type printers and non-impact printers. Impact printer through the electronic control of the print head, the media in the true sense of “打印”. EPSON 1600K we are familiar with belong to this sense of the printer. Non-impact printers mainly include ink-jet printers and laser printers, such as the HP DeskJet and LaserJet series, of course, but also some other little-known thermal transfer high-end printers, then these types of printers in the next few years What’s the development trend?
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(五) 辨認同义詞的方法 1.同义詞和同音詞相同而又相反的情况我們已經說过同义詞产生的情况;这里再談談怎样辨認同义詞。首先把同义詞和同音詞的分別弄清楚是必要的。前面已