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州委七届十次全体(扩大)会议对全面推进依法治州作出了全面部署,建设法治红河,既是全面建设小康社会的题中之义,也是实现富民强州的护航之符。当前,红河州进入了全面建成小康社会的关键阶段,我们的一切工作要围绕以“中国梦·红河路”为主题,以“一个中心、五个示范”为目标,以全面实施“美丽家园”行动计划和“一个试点、三大平台”建设为载体的工作思路,立足红河改革发展稳定大局,探索具有红河特点的法治建设新路子。依法治州是依法治国方略在红河的具体实践,结合红河法治建设新实践,州委、州 The 10th National Committee of the Seventh National Committee of the State Council (Enlarged) has made comprehensive plans to comprehensively promote the state administration of the state according to law. Building the Red River as a legal system is both a theme of justice in building an overall well-to-do society and a symbol of escorting the rich and powerful. At present, Honghe Prefecture has entered a crucial stage of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. All our work should focus on the theme of “China Dream and Honghe Road” and take “one center and five demonstrations” as the goal in order to fully implement “Beautiful home ” action plan and “a pilot, three platforms ” construction as the carrier of work ideas, based on the red river reform, development and stability of the overall situation, to explore the characteristics of Honghe with the rule of law new road. Governing the Country by Law is the Specific Practice of Ruling the Country by Law in Honghe. In combination with the new practice of the construction of the law by the Red River,
The lightweight offset paper project of Shandong Zhengda Paper Co., Ltd was successfully put into operation in mid-May 2009. The new paper machine has annual pr
英特尔公司近日宣布推出新型英特尔~(?)至强~(?)处理器C5500以及C3500系列(原代号为“Jasper Forest”)。该产品一经推出即获得很多重量级嵌入式、通讯、网络和存储行业厂商
中航黎明锦西化工机械(集团)有限责任公司坐落于美丽的渤海之滨辽宁省葫芦岛市,始建于1939年,是国内综合性的研制化工、化肥和石油化工设备的 Air Li Ming Jinxi Chemical M