拓思路 求同步 开展现代化乡镇卫生院建设

来源 :中国初级卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenhonghe
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乡镇卫生院是农村卫生服务体系的重要基石,是三级医疗预防保健网的枢纽。随着社会经济的不断发展,特别是在建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制进程中,面临着许多前所未有的新情况、新问题。浙江省政府紧紧抓住这一亟待解决的问题,以省政府的名义在宁波市鄞县召开了全省乡镇卫生院改革与发展现场经验交流会,回顾了近10年来全省各级卫生行政部门在乡镇卫生院改革过程中的大胆探索和实践,找出了乡镇卫生院发展面临的许多深层次的共性问题和困难,提出了可供借鉴的工作思路,并肯定了一些可供不同经济类型地区选择的适宜模式。笔者专程参加了此次研讨会,组织了鄞县乡镇卫生院改革经验的专栏报道,以飨读者。 The township health center is an important cornerstone of the rural health service system and is the hub of the three-tier medical preventive health care network. With the continuous development of the social economy, especially in the process of establishing and improving the socialist market economic system, it faces many unprecedented new situations and new problems. The government of Zhejiang Province has firmly grasped this urgently-solved issue and, in the name of the provincial government, held an exchange meeting on the reform and development of the township hospitals in the county of Ningbo, Yinzhou. The review reviewed the province’s health administrative departments at all levels in the past 10 years. The bold exploration and practice in the process of reform of township hospitals identified many common problems and difficulties in the development of township hospitals, proposed work ideas that can be used for reference, and affirmed some areas that can be used by different economies. The appropriate mode of selection. The author made a special trip to participate in the seminar and organized a column report on the experience of the reform of the township hospitals in Shexian County in order to readers.
Kashin- Beck Disease (KBD) is an endemicchronic osteoarthropathy affecting about2 .5mil-lion residents with over30 millions at risk in Chi-na[1] .The disease is
台北荣民总医院近期成立了台湾第一个分子医学中心,研究重点为当前国际间最先进的基因治疗法。 杨文光研究员指出,台湾从事的基因治疗研究,目前主要分为基因疫苗及复方基因
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经中国儿童音乐学会、北京中艺环球文化传播有限公司双方协商决定: 一、双方签署的《协议书》已过时效,北京中艺环球文化传播有限公司未能履行《协议书》。因此,《协议书》
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1 制定卫生政策,是促进卫生事业发展的基础 自川委发(1991)3号文件下发以来,县委、人大、政府、政协四大班子认真贯彻文件精神,充分认识到卫生事业在整个社会经济发展中的地
为配合国家电网公司“西电东送、南北互供、全国 联网”的发展战略,突出反映当前电网建设中的超高 压、远距离和大容量输变电工程的关键技术,提升我 To tie in with the St