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日前,全国精神文明建设工作表彰暨学雷锋志愿服务大会在人民大会堂隆重举行,欧美同学会被授予第四届“全国文明单位”荣誉称号。“全国文明单位”是国家精神文明创建工作的最高荣誉,中央文明委每三年评选一次,欧美同学会是统战系统首家、也是目前唯一一家获此殊荣的单位。“全国文明单位”称号是欧美同学会继获得“中央直属机关文明单位”、“首都文明单位”等荣誉后,精神文 Recently, the country’s spiritual civilization construction work recognition and learn Lei Feng volunteer service conference was held in the Great Hall of the people, European and American students will be awarded the fourth “national civilized unit” honorary title. “National Civilized Unit ” is the highest honor of the national spiritual civilization creation work. The Central Committee of the Civilization appoints once every three years. The European and American Students Association is the first and only unit in the United Front system. “National Civilization Unit ” title is the European and American students will get “the central unit directly under the civilized unit ”, “Capital Civilization ” and other honors, spiritual
考虑国家的发展战略问题,历来似乎只是当政者及幕僚们的事情。偏偏一介草民的彭明先生却走火入魔,十数年来倾心于这个重大问题的研究。当他把这 Considering the developme
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Celiac disease (CD) is a common autoimmune disorder characterized by an immune response to ingested gluten and has a strong HLA association with HLA- DQ2 and HL
AIM: To enrich putative hepatic progenitors from the developing human fetal liver using CD34 as a marker. METHODS: Aborted fetuses of 13-20 wk were used for the
本文介绍了光电火控系统在舰船上的重要性,应用概况,一些典型的光电火控系统以及它们在舰船上的应用前景。 This article describes the importance of the optoelectronic