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目的:观察实验性种植体周围炎不同时期龈沟液(PISF)中单核细胞趋化蛋白-1(MCP-1)的水平变化,探讨其在种植体周围炎发生发展过程中的作用。方法:采用丝线结扎法建立狗的实验性种植体周围炎模型,随机分为实验组A(丝线持续结扎4周)和实验组B(结扎2月后去除丝线并进行洁治),以口腔内另一侧不进行丝线结扎的种植体为对照组。各组种植体分别在丝线结扎时(基点)和基点后1周、2月、3月和4月时记录牙周袋深度(PPD)、菌斑指数(PI)和改良龈沟出血指数(MBI),采集PISF,检测PISF的量以及其中MCP-1的水平。分析不同时间点和不同组别种植体各项临床指标、PISF量以及其中MCP-1水平的差异。结果:种植体周围炎早期,种植体周围PI和MBI均出现明显改变,在种植体周围炎中晚期,PI和MBI无明显变化,而PPD出现改变。在临床指标出现改变前,PISF的量以及其中MCP-1的水平开始变化。PISF的量在炎症早期随时间增加,炎症的中晚期保持比较稳定的水平,洁治后PISF量降低。MCP-1的变化规律与PISF的量相似,与PISF的量呈正相关。结论:MCP-1在种植体周围炎早期发挥重要作用,其水平在一定程度上反映种植体周围软组织的炎症状况,可能作为早期诊断和预测种植体周围炎的指标。 OBJECTIVE: To observe the changes of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) in gingival crevicular fluid (PISF) at different periods of experimental peri-implantitis and to explore its role in the development of peri-implantitis. Methods: The model of experimental peri-implantitis in dogs was established by silk ligation, and randomly divided into experimental group A (continuous ligation of silk for 4 weeks) and experimental group B (removal of silk thread after 2 months of ligation and clean treatment) The other side of the implant without silk ligation as a control group. The implants of each group were recorded the PPD, PI and MBI at the time of ligation (baseline) and 1 week, 2 months, 3 months and 4 months respectively. ), PISF was collected, and the amount of PISF and the level of MCP-1 were detected. The clinical indexes, the amount of PISF and the difference of MCP-1 level in the implants at different time points and in different groups were analyzed. Results: At the early period of implant peri-implantitis, the PI and MBI around the implant showed significant changes. There was no obvious change of PI and MBI but the change of PPD in the middle and late stage of implant. The amount of PISF and the level at which MCP-1 begins to change before the clinical indicators change. The amount of PISF increased with time in the early stages of inflammation, and the levels of PISF decreased after the treatment in the middle and late stages of inflammation. The change rule of MCP-1 was similar to that of PISF, and positively correlated with the amount of PISF. CONCLUSION: MCP-1 plays an important role in the early stage of peri-implantitis. The level of MCP-1 reflects the inflammation of soft tissues around the implant to a certain extent, which may be used as an index for early diagnosis and prediction of peri-implantitis.
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