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在《古典诗律史》(青海人民出版社1980年版)的基础上,从诗歌的声律和韵律两个角度出发,对先秦汉魏晋南北朝至隋唐的全部诗歌作详尽的格律分析,可归纳、整理出古诗的格律结构类型:1、平韵粘式律诗、平韵对式律诗、平韵粘对混合式律诗;2、仄韵粘式律诗、仄韵对式律诗、仄韵粘对混合式律诗;3、转韵粘式律诗、转韵对式律诗、转韵粘对混合式律诗.众多的诗例可以证明上述的三类九式的诗律结构类型实是存在于中国古代诗歌之中,并为古代诗人所认识和应用的格律类型.全文分上、下两篇:上篇论平韵的粘式律、对式律、粘对混合律;下篇论仄韵律、转韵律(载《湖州师专学报》1999年第2期).在《古典诗律史》(青海人民出版社1980年版)的基础上,从诗歌的声律和韵律两个角度出发,对先秦汉魏晋南北朝至隋唐的全部诗歌作详尽的格律分析,可归纳、整理出古诗的格律结构类型:1、平韵粘式律诗、平韵对式律诗、平韵粘对混合式律诗;2、仄韵粘式律诗、仄韵对式律诗、仄韵粘对混合式律诗;3、转韵粘式律诗、转韵对式律诗、转韵粘对混合式律诗.众多的诗例可以证明上述的三类九式的诗律结构类型实是存在于中国古代诗歌之中,并为古代诗人所认识和应用的格律类型.全文分上、下两篇:上篇论平韵的粘式律、对式律、粘对混合律;下篇论仄韵律、? On the basis of the history of classical poetry and history (Qinghai People’s Publishing House, 1980 edition), from the perspectives of the rhythm and the rhythm of poetry, a detailed analysis of all the poems in the pre-Qin and Han dynasties, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties and Sui and Tang dynasties can be summarized, Sort out the types of the structure of ancient poetry: 1, flat rhyme sticky law, Ping rhyme on rhyme, Ping rhyme sticking to the hybrid law; 2, rhyme sticky rhyme, rhyme on rhyme, 3, the rhyme sticky rhyme verse, rhyme rhyme rhymed verse, rhyme sticky to mixed verse.Many poetry examples can prove that the above three types of nine-type poem structure type actually exists in ancient Chinese poetry, And the type of the rhythm recognized and applied by the ancient poets. The full text is divided into the following two parts: On the Pian Yun’s sticky law, on the law, stick to the mixed law; Huzhou Teachers College, “1999 the second period.) In the” History of Classical Poetry and Law "(Qinghai People’s Publishing House, 1980 edition), based on the poetic rhythm and prosody from two angles, the first Qin, Han, Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties to the Sui and Tang Dynasties All the poetry for a detailed analysis of the law, can be summarized, sort out the ancient poetry The type of metrical structure: 1, flat rhyme sticky law, Ping rhyme on rhyme, Ping rhyme sticking to mixed law; 2, Chek sticky law, rhyme on rhyme, rhyme sticking to mixed verse; 3 , Turn rhyme sticky law poetry, rhyme rhyme rhymed verse, rhyme sticky to mixed law poem.Many poetry examples can prove that the above three types of nine-type poem structure type actually exists in ancient Chinese poetry, and for the ancient The types and types of rituals recognized and applied by the poets. The full text is divided into the following two parts: On the Pinyin sticky law, on the law, stick to the law of mixing;
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