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在数学学习过程中,学生常常会有很多困惑,学习数学有没有规律?一会学函数,一会学几何,到底学习数学有什么用?数学习题中,常常是有用的条件不直接给,而总是拐弯摸角隐藏起来,不是老师有意刁难学生,就是在玩数学游戏。形成学习数学完全是为了应付考试,为了升学。面对学生的种种疑惑,近年来,众多教师都做了很多有益的探索,而且新的《普通高中数学课程标准(实验)》中也明确指出了学习数学的目的是为了“进一步提高作为未来公民所必要的数学素养,以满足个人发展和社会进步的需要”,在数学学习中应该让学生“在思考、探索和交流的过程中获得对数学较为全面的体验和理解。”所谓体验和理解,就是在数学学习中理解为什么学习数学,学习和掌握些什么知识和技能,并能在数学学习过程中体悟到数学的价值、数学的思想和文化。 In the process of mathematics learning, students often have a lot of confusion, learning mathematics has no law? One will learn the function, one will learn geometry, in the end what is the use of learning math? Number learning questions, often useful conditions are not directly, and Always turning corners to hide, is not the teacher intended to make students difficult or to play math games. The formation of learning mathematics is entirely for the sake of examination and for further studies. In the face of students’ doubts, many teachers have done a lot of useful explorations in recent years, and the new “Ordinary High School Mathematics Curriculum Standards (Experiment)” also explicitly pointed out that the purpose of learning mathematics is to “further increase the citizenship of the future.” The necessary mathematical literacy to meet the needs of personal development and social progress.“ In mathematics learning, students should ”get a more comprehensive experience and understanding of mathematics in the process of thinking, exploring and communicating." The so-called experience and understanding, It is in mathematics learning to understand why to study mathematics, to learn and master what knowledge and skills, and to realize the value of mathematics, mathematics and culture in the process of mathematics learning.
1976年7月28日凌晨3时49分56秒,河北唐山发生7.8级强烈地震。这是中国历史上、也是世界地震史中最惨烈的地震之一。这饮地震破坏范围超过3万平方公里 At 3:49:56 on July 28
在发生了与“98洪水”类似灾难的此时此刻,我们不得不反思:为什么类似的灾害总是在发生?“伤疤”好了后我们能不能记住“痛”? At this very moment like a catastrophic di
数学家弗赖登塔尔指出:“反思是重要的思维活动,它是思维活动的核心和动力”。引导学生解题反思能促进学生的理解从一个水平升到更高的水平,促使他们从新的角 The mathemati
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常书鸿先生40年代只身前往敦煌 ,在极其艰难困苦的条件下 ,对敦煌莫高窟进行了卓有成效的保护 ,并开展了临摹研究等一系列工作 ,终于迎来了敦煌的解放和中华人民共和国的成立