How to Maximize Your Study Time 如何最大限度利用你的学习时间

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  1. Set A Study Goal 设定学习目标
  What is it that you’re actually trying to accomplish2? How will you know if you have done that? You need to set a goal so you can answer those questions. If you’ve been given a study guide, then your goal could simply be to learn everything on the guide. You’ll know if you’ve achieved it when a friend asks you all the questions and you can answer those questions quickly and completely. Whatever you’re trying to achieve, get it on paper. Don’t stop until you’ve met your goal.
  2. Set A Timer For 45 Minutes 定时45分钟
  You’ll learn more if you study in segments3 with short breaks in between. An ideal length is 45 to 50 minutes on task and 5 to 10 minutes off task between those study times. Forty-five to fifty minutes gives you enough time to dig deep into your studies, and five to ten minute breaks allows you enough time to regroup. Use those short mental breaks to check in with family members, grab a snack, use the restroom or just hop on social media to reconnect with friends. But, once that break is over, get back at it.
  3. Shut Off Your Phone 关掉手机
  You do not need to be on call when you are studying. Shut off your phone so you’re not tempted to respond to that text or call. Remember that you will be getting a short break in just forty-five minutes and you can check your voicemail and texts then. You are worth the time you’ll be devoting to this task and nothing else is as important at this very moment.
  4. Put Up A “Do Not Disturb” Sign 挂上“请勿打扰”的牌子
  Maintaining4 laser-like focus during a study session is very important to your success. So, lock yourself in your room and put a“Do Not Disturb” sign on your door. It will make your friends or family think twice before asking about dinner or inviting you to watch a movie.
  5. Sit At A Desk Or Table 坐在桌子边学习   At the beginning of your study session, you should be seated at a table or desk with your material in front of you. Find all your notes and open up your book. You’ll be taking notes, un-derlining, and reading effectively during study time, and these tasks are most easily accomplished at a desk.
  6. Attack The Content In Several Ways 通过不同的方式学习
  To really learn something, not just cram it in for the test, you need to go after the content using a few different ways. Try reading the chapter silently, then summarizing it aloud. Or draw little pictures related to the content next to important ideas. Sing a song to remember dates or long lists. If you mix up the way you learn, you’ll keep deeply in mind what you need to learn.
  7. Break Down Large Topics And Summarize The Key Facts and Ideas 拆分大块的内容并总结关键内容
  You can get really overwhelmed if you have a ton of content to learn, but if you start with just one small piece, and focus solely on mastering that one part, you won’t feel quite as stressed. When you have finished studying, write out 10 to 20 key ideas or important facts you need to remember. Put everything into your own words, then double-check your book or notes to ensure you’ve gotten them correct. Doing this at the end of your study session will help cement5 the most important facts in your head.
  1. maximize vt. 使增加扩大到最大限度
  2. accomplish vt. 完成;实现;达到 3. segment n. 段;部分
  4. maintain vt. 维持;继续 5. cement vt. 巩固,加强;用水泥涂
We tend to measure life by our memories. The most joyful or devastating1, exciting or stressful, interesting or hard fight for milestones from one to the next, stand out the most in our minds.  These
【新目標英语九年级Unit 10 STEP BY STEP随堂通参考答案】
1. color  (1) n. 顏色;肤色;颜料;脸色  ◇例如:  Nancy liked the skirt well enough, but complained about the color. (南希还挺喜欢这件裙子,只是有点不满意它的颜色。)  The color is coming back to your face. (你的气色在好转。)  (2) vt. 粉饰;给……涂颜色  
编者注:最近NBA有一个炙手可热的华人叫林书豪,他在最近的比赛中抓住了难得的上场机会,连续爆发,以出色的表现帮助所在的纽约尼克斯队战胜对手。美国媒体对其赞不绝口,甚至有人撰文表示,林书豪有可能取代姚明,成为亚裔球员在NBA的标杆和榜样。下面,让我们一起来了解一下这位NBA的篮球新星吧!  英文名 (English Name):Jeremy  国籍 (Nationality):美国 (America
【栏目要求】  1. 将学生习作根据中考分值给出成绩; 2. 在应该修改的地方划线并标注序号;  3. 根据所标序号进行修改并说明修改的理由; 4. 给学生习作点评;  5. 请点评名师提供简历一份,包括:学校、职务、职称、荣誉、教研教学成果、照片一张。  投稿邮箱: zxsyy2007@163.com或  来稿请寄: 430079 华中师范大学外国语学院《中学生英语
白:  这是一个没有硝烟的战场,  这是一场保卫生命的战斗。  面对疫情,中华儿女万众一心,  共克时艰,扶危渡厄,迎难出征,  充滿了战斗必胜的信心!  唱:  鬼魅舞春,江汉混沌,华夏危临。  看人间天使,断发请缨;  振臂盟誓,耿耿丹心。  无论生死,浊风逆行,  悬壶出征救苍生。  驱妖魔,为生命而战,无愧杏林。  此番多少别离,尽天下兴亡家国情。  听一声号令,虽远必应!  雷火神山,点
Reading is very important in our life. We can gain much knowledge through reading. It can not only open our minds and eyes to the world outside but also make us cleverer and happier. The more books we
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