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据《新快报》报道,最近在北京大学、南开大学、天津师范大学所作的专题调查显示,当碰到家庭与事业矛盾的时候,有56%的女大学生说不清楚或难以确定该如何做,有26.7%的女大学生选择牺牲事业,有13.8%的女大学生选择牺牲家庭。可见,大胆追求事业成功的女大学生在整个女生群体中只占极少数,大多数女生对事业的理解是找到一份好工作,而对家庭幸福却抱以极大的期望,很多女大学生希望能够做个贤妻良母。简言之,干得好不如嫁得好.尽管上述调查因受地域、被调查者数量的限制,调查结果难免存在一定的误差,但它从某个侧面说明了现代女大学生的价值观的转变,这种现象与前几年的调查结果几乎截然相反。关于这种转变背后的深层原因,人们会有很多追问。因此,如果您对此话题感兴趣,可以谈谈您的看法,字数限定在500-1000字左右。下面摘发《燕赵都市报》上的几篇短文,作为这个话题的引子,文章标题均为原文所有。 According to the “Express News” report, the recent special surveys conducted at Peking University, Nankai University and Tianjin Normal University show that 56% of female university students are confused or difficult to determine when to run into conflicts between their families and their career. 26.7% of female university students choose to sacrifice their career, and 13.8% of female university students choose to sacrifice their families. Can be seen that the bold pursuit of career success of female students in the entire female group only a very small number of most girls understand the cause of the job is to find a good job, but have great expectations of family happiness, many female students hope to be able Be a good wife and mother. In short, it is better to marry better.Although there is some error in the survey results due to the limited number of regions and respondents, the survey shows the change of values ​​of modern female college students from a certain aspect, This phenomenon is almost the opposite of the findings of previous years. People will have a lot to ask about the underlying reasons behind this shift. So, if you are interested in this topic, you can talk about your opinion, the number of words is limited to about 500-1000 words. The following excerpt from “Yanzhao Metropolis Daily” on a few essays, as a primer on this topic, the article titles are all original.
2008年9月15日,美国第四大投资银行雷曼兄弟公司申请破产保护,从而引发了波及全球的国际金融危机。2010年11月18日,美国通用汽车公司停牌17个月以后, On September 15, 2008
Lonnie,53岁,女,因行升结肠部分切除术住在外科病房。开始她感到前胸背部不适,后感到全身一阵剧痛时,立即打开呼叫灯待医,护士赶来时,她疼痛加剧,心脏停跳。 护士迅速接通急
科学出版社 定价 :198.0 0元本书是国内第一本全面系统地介绍疫苗学及相关知识的专著 ,全书分理论管理篇、技术篇和各论三部分 ,共六十四章 .理论管理篇主要介绍了疫苗的基
【《新西兰先驱报》 1998年 8月 5日报道】 越南战争的老兵们对于 4日公布的有关政府将对其子女以及受核辐射海员的子女的健康进行大范围的调查感到欢欣鼓舞。由新西兰前总
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