
来源 :国外医学参考资料.精神病学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwchao
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老年人由于生理与结构的改变,影响了药物的吸收、分布、分解和排泄,所以在用药剂量及药物选择方面要特别慎重,此处就后者加以论述.1.抗精神病药物对已肯定了诊断的老年精神病患者应及时施以药物治疗以防止自伤和伤人并减轻痛苦,使其比较正常地生活,选择用药的客观依据不多,虽广泛认为甲硫哒嗪为首选用药,但也缺乏设计良好的对照研究.甲硫哒嗪的神经系副作用发生率低,但应注意它造成心电图改变和阳萎的倾向多并有其它的妇科与泌尿生殖系症状.作者自己的研究发现氟哌啶醇同样有效,产生严重的副作用也不多.其它抗精神病药物也相差不多,例如乙酰奋乃静(Acetophena-zine)已经证明较空白剂有效.2.抗焦虑与镇静安眠剂利眠宁类药物与巴比土类药物对老年焦虑患者易产生过度镇静与共济失调,故治疗应从很小的剂量开始.老年病人用镇静剂有时可产生反常的兴奋反应,尤其是在夜间.很多人主张对失眠的老年病人,忌用巴比土类而选用水合氯醛.最近有人报道.睡前服50毫克异 Because of the change of physiology and structure, the elderly have an influence on the absorption, distribution, decomposition and excretion of the medicine, so they should be especially cautious about the dosage and choice of medicine, and the latter will be discussed here.1.An antipsychotic drug has been affirmed The diagnosis of elderly patients with mental illness should be promptly treated with drugs to prevent self-injury and wounding and reduce pain, to make it more normal life, the choice of medication based on the objective, although thioridazine is widely considered the preferred drug, but also Lack of well-designed controlled study Thyrradazine low incidence of neurological side effects, but it should be noted that it causes changes in ECG and impotence tendency and there are other gynecological and genitourinary symptoms.From our own study found that droperidol Acetolatin is equally effective and produces few serious side effects. Other antipsychotic drugs are also similar, such as Acetophena-zine has been shown to be more effective than a blank agent.2 Anxiolytic and sedatives, Drugs and barbiturates on the elderly anxiety patients prone to over-sedation and ataxia, so the treatment should be started from a very small dose of sedation in elderly patients can sometimes produce Abnormal excitatory response, especially at night. Many people advocate for elderly patients insomnia, avoid using barbiturates class and the choice of chloral hydrate. It has recently been reported. Iso before bedtime 50 mg
作者用晚期L1210白血病小鼠, 研究了环磷酰胺血浆浓度、胃肠道吸收及其在某些组织中贮存的相互关系。小鼠在肿瘤移植后6天(中数生存期为7.7天),口服一次~(14)G标记的环磷酰
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在米兰举行的节制生育讨论会上曾提出关于环丙氯孕酮(Cyproterone acetate,)作为男用避孕药物的第一期抗雄激素研究报道。 Cyproterone acetate是一种“抗雄激素”。大 The