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什么是家庭文化?顾名思议,家庭文化是以每一个家庭为单位,有着浓郁文化氛围的独立存在的文化实体。家庭文化就其构成内容,不外乎两个条件:1、硬件:包括住房面积,居住环境,经济收入,文化消费,文化设施,交通、通讯工具等;2、软件:包括家庭成员遵纪守法、履行公民义务、积极参与社会性、公益性活动,家庭成员人人有文化艺术的兴趣、爱好,有文化时间消费,家庭互助互爱、邻里和睦相处等等有的地方还把以上这些条件分别予以打分作为小康型家庭文化规定的标准。无疑这也为家庭文化的发展提出了奋斗目标和方向,对家庭文化的建构与发展起到 What is family culture? As its name suggests, family culture is an independent existence of cultural entity with a rich cultural atmosphere in every family unit. Family culture, its composition of the content, nothing more than two conditions: 1, hardware: including housing area, living environment, economic income, cultural and consumption, cultural facilities, transportation, communication tools; 2, software: including family members abide by the law , Fulfill their civic obligations, actively participate in social and public welfare activities, family members and people have the interest of culture and the arts, hobbies, cultural time consumption, family mutual love and love, live in harmony with the neighborhood, and so some of these conditions were To be scored as a standard for well-to-do family culture. This undoubtedly also sets the goal and direction for the development of family culture and plays an important role in the construction and development of family culture
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In Northeast China, permafrost advanced and retreated several times under the influences of fluctuating paleo-climates and paleo-environments since the Late Ple
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针对学生在写作时词汇运用上存在的问题,在英语写作教学的过程中,我们可以采取以下措施来解决。  一、重视学生词块意识的培养和话题词块的积累  词块是具有预制性的整体存储单位,可以提高语言表达的准确度和地道性。写作时学生可以从记忆中以整体形式提取,无须再临时考虑词句组合的规则及结构的正确性,大大减少了遣词造句的负担,增强了表达的流畅性和连贯性。因此教师可以从高一开始向学生渗透词块意识,并引导学生积累话
王忠武在《东岳论丛》今年第六期撰文认为 ,人的发展是人在知识、改造、接受和利用客体的过程中实现的 ,而认识、改造、接受和利用客体的过程实质上也是人支付成本的消费过程
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