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顺学而导,就是教师要顺着学生的学习活动灵活多样地实施点拨、引导。顺学而导所体现的是以生为本的教学思想,与顺导而学所对应的以师为本的教学思想恰好相反。在当前语文阅读教学中,学生处于被动的顺导而学现象普遍存在。近几年来,笔者经过探索与实践,总结了顺学而导的几点策略。一、注重教学环节的弹性设计教师的教是为学生的学服务的,教学设计理应辅助于学生的学。而学生的学习活动存在很多变数,我们不能以各个环节都安排得过死的教学设计来控制学生的学习活动,若此,学生就失去自主学习的时空。因此,教学设计必须富有弹性。《最后的姿势》(苏教版六年级上册)一 As a guide to learning, teachers should follow the students’ learning activities to implement diversified and flexible guidance. The guidance that comes from the school reflects the student-centered teaching idea, which is the opposite of the teacher-centered teaching thought corresponding to the study of the teacher and student. In the current teaching of Chinese reading, the students are passive and passive. In recent years, the author through exploration and practice, summarizes the school-led strategy. First, pay attention to the flexible design of teaching The teacher’s teaching is to serve students’ learning, teaching design should be assisted by the student’s learning. However, there are many variables in the learning activities of students. We can not control the students’ learning activities by arranging deadly instructional design in all aspects. If so, the students lose the time and space of autonomous learning. Therefore, instructional design must be flexible. “The Last Position” (Sujiao version sixth grade) One
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