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随着高中新课程改革的推进,原来高中课堂上主要以教师一个人讲授知识要点的传统教学方式逐渐暴露出它的弊端,与现行社会对人才的培养要求渐行渐远。上课时由于缺少学生主动参与、纯粹以说教为主;缺少实际生活体验、完全受课本束缚;教师照本宣科、缺乏师生互动和情感交流; With the advancement of new curriculum reform in senior high schools, the traditional teaching methods that mainly used teachers to teach knowledge points in high school classrooms have gradually exposed its drawbacks, and are far away from the current requirements for training qualified personnel in high schools. Due to the lack of active participation of students during class, purely preaching; lack of actual life experience, completely bound by the textbooks; teachers according to the book, the lack of teacher-student interaction and emotional exchange;
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