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雄辩,是西方诗歌的一大特点。瑞典诗人特朗斯特罗姆(1931——)宣称:“我的作品一般回避寻常的理性分析,我想给读者更大的感受自由。”那也就是说放弃雄辩,让诗从各种干扰或附丽中回到它的本质。这一努力,在他的散文诗《巴特隆达的夜莺》中也可以见到。夜莺的歌声,是通过“绿色午夜”、“痴迷”的“树叶”、“耳聋的车辆”等意象呈现出来的。“它的穿透力就像雄鸡的啼鸣,美但不做作。”因此,它不受干扰,“没有躲开”。夜莺的歌声又是超越时间的。无论诗人是在监狱中,还是在病床上,它都来拜访过(不说自己听歌,而说歌拜访自己,妙极!),以至于“没有时间”,“只有夜莺的婉转”,“那朴素悠扬的 Eloquence, is a major feature of Western poetry. The Swedish poet Tronstrom (1931--) declared: “My works generally evade the ordinary rational analysis, and I want to give my readers a greater sense of freedom.” That is to say, to abandon eloquence and to keep poetry from all kinds of interference Or attached back to the essence of Li. This effort can also be seen in his essay poem “Nightingale of Bartholomew.” Nightingale songs, through the “green midnight”, “obsessed” “leaves”, “deaf vehicles” and other images presented. “It’s penetrating like a rooster crowing, beautiful but not artificial.” So it’s undisturbed, “did not dodge.” Nightingale’s song is beyond time. No matter whether the poet is in prison or on a hospital bed, he has come to visit (not to say that he or she is going to listen to songs, but to talk to himself and to his astonishment!) So that “there is no time” and “only the nightingale’s tactfulness” and " That simple melodious
AIM To evaluate associations between mi RNA target genes IL12B,INSR,CCND1 and IL10 polymorphisms and gastric cancer(GC)in European population.METHODS Gene polym
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AIM To conduct an overview of meta-analyses to critically appraise the evidence and present a comprehensive evaluation of the association between statin use and
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