A non-toxic approach for treatment of breast cancer and its metastases: capecitabine enhanced photod

来源 :癌症转移与治疗(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lukexingmm
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Aim: Breast cancer (BCA) in women is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity; distant metastases occur in ~40% of cases. Here, as an altative to ionizing radiation therapy and chemotherapy and their associated side effects, we explored a new combination approach using capecitabine (CPBN) and aminolevulinate-based photodynamic therapy (PDT). We had previously developed a combination PDT approach in which 5-fluorouracil (5FU), a differentiation-promoting agent, increases the levels of protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) in cancer cells when given as a neoadjuvant prior to aminolevulinic acid (ALA). However, 5FU can be toxic when administered systemically at high levels. We reasoned that CPBN, a known chemotherapeutic for BCA and less toxic than 5FU (because CPBN is metabolized to 5FU specifically within tumor tissues), might work equally well as a PDT neoadjuvant. Methods: Murine 4T1 BCA cells harboring a luciferase transgene were injected into breast fat pads of female nude mice. CPBN (600 mg/kg/day) was administered by oral gavage for 3 days followed by intraperitoneal ALA administration and PDT with red light (633 nm) on day 4. Tumor growth and regression were monitored in vivo using bioluminescence imaging. Histological changes in primary tumors and metastases were assessed by immunohistochemistry after necropsy. Results: CPBN pretreatment of 4T1 tumors increased cellular differentiation, reduced proliferation, raised PpIX levels, enhanced tumor cell death, and reduced metastatic spread of 4T1 cells post-PDT, relative to vehicle-only controls. Conclusion: The use of CPBN as a non-toxic PDT neoadjuvant for treatment of BCA represents a novel approach with significant potential for translation into the clinic.
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初中数学学习中,“数形结合”是非常重要的数学思想方法。借助数形结合思想,使抽象问题变得直观,往往能够化难为易,豁然开朗。下面,我们以2019年中考题中与平面直角坐标系有关的“坐标点”的问题为例,感受数形结合的奇妙!  考点1 点的坐标  (2019.江苏常州,第14题)如图1,平面直角坐标系中,点P(-3,4)到原点的距离是____。  【解析】本题考查了平面直角坐标系中的点到原点的距离问题,可作