
来源 :地震 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hbhhl2006
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首都圈地震重点监视区是我国地震重点防御区和地震监视预报研究的重要试验区,区内布有流体化学测点35个,开展的多项地震流体地球化学研究已取得丰硕的成果,为地震预报研究作出了重要的贡献。笔者对部分流体地球化学组分的区域特征进行了初步分析,结果表明氡、汞、氢等组分具有较好的映震效能,它们在正常状态下,普遍具有低背景值且变化幅度不大的共性,而当地震活跃时,大部分测点的上述组分的含量均出现增高现象,成为地震短期预报的依据之一。 The key monitoring area in the metropolitan area is an important experimental area for China’s key earthquake defense area and earthquake monitoring and forecasting. There are 35 fluid chemical measuring points in the area, and a great deal of achievements have been made in the research of many earthquakes in the field. Forecast research has made an important contribution. The author has carried on the preliminary analysis to the regional characteristic of some fluid geochemistry components, the result indicated radon, mercury, the hydrogen and so on the component has the good earthquake activity, in the normal condition, they generally has the low background value and the change range is not big However, when the earthquake is active, the contents of the above components in most of the measuring points all appear to increase, making it one of the bases for short-term earthquake prediction.
Objective To observe the results of treatment t he high level sacral tumors by the sur gical technique of approach in anterior with posterior to curettage and l
急性结肠癌梗阻不同于其它原因所致的结肠梗阻 ,手术所要解决的问题不仅是梗阻问题 ,更重要的是根治肿瘤[1] 。对其进行一期切除吻合术最为理想 ,也易被患者接受。我科从 199
近几年来 ,武警新兵单发骨软骨瘤较多 ,影响了武警部队的执勤、处突等正常工作。为引起对该病的重视 ,我们对1999年 1月~ 2 0 0 0年 12月我科收治的 2 4例患者分析如下。1 一
The technique of terahertz pulses generated from the photoconductive switches has been applied in the ultrafast electrical pulse metrology recently.A lumped-ele
2 在地震危险性估计中的应用至今我们已经集中讨论了如何解释地球上大范围的地震现象和孕震断层现象这一基本问题。在这一部分中,我们将考虑 2 APPLICATION TO SEISMIC HAZ
In this work, Chinese fir samples with a size of 400 mm (L) by 50 mm (W) 30 mm (H) weretaken as specimens, and drying rate and energy consumption were compared
患者 ,女性 ,31岁 ,藏族。缘于 6年前发现颈部包块 ,约 2 0× 2 0cm2 大小 ,质软 ,活动度稍差 ,无红肿、压痛 ,后逐渐增大。 1年前包块突然增大至如拳头大小 ,伴左侧头部间断