,Improved liquid-solid-gas interface deposition of nanoparticle thin films

来源 :中国物理(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yng2005
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A liquid-solid-gas interface deposition method to prepare nanoparticle thin films is presented in this paper. The nanoparticles in the part of suspension located close to the solid-liquid-gas interface grow on the substrate under the influence of interface force when the partially immersed substrate moves relatively to the suspension. By using statistical theory of the Brownian motion, growth equations for mono-component and multi-component nanoparticle thin films are obtained and some parameters for deposition process are discussed.
2005年7月,全国银行间同业拆借和债券市场运行总体平稳,市场成交量小幅萎缩,货币市场利率涨跌互现,现券市场债券收益率受各种因素影响持续下行,债券综合指数高位运行。 In J
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