
来源 :华西医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loveag
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目的:比较丽珠胃三联不同疗程对Hp的根治及胃溃疡的愈合情况,为临床合理使用丽珠胃三联提供依据。方法:198例患者随机分为三组:一周治疗组、两周治疗组和三周治疗组三组,分别给予丽珠胃三联:标准铋剂60mg+克拉霉素250 mg+替硝唑500 mg治疗1、2、3周,均为每日2次。全部患者疗程结束后,停药4周复查胃镜和HP检查,以判断溃疡愈合和Hp的根除情况。结果:经丽珠胃三联治疗1、2、3周后,Hp得到有效根除,胃溃疡愈合率大幅提升,其中一周治疗组Hp的根除率达85.71%,溃疡愈合率达80.95%,两周治疗组和三周治疗组Hp的根除率和胃溃疡愈合率明显高于一周治疗组(P<0.05),两周治疗组与三周治疗组无明显差异。结论:三组方案均能有效治疗胃溃疡,并能有效地根除幽门螺杆菌。两周疗程方案为更科学、有效的治疗方案。 Objective: To compare the cure of Hp and gastric ulcer in different courses of Livzon stomach triple therapy, and provide basis for the clinical rational use of Livzon stomach triple therapy. Methods: 198 patients were randomly divided into three groups: one week treatment group, two weeks treatment group and three weeks treatment group three groups were given Livzon stomach triple: standard bismuth 60mg + clarithromycin 250 mg + tinidazole 500 mg treatment 1 , 2,3 weeks, are 2 times a day. All patients after treatment, withdrawal 4 weeks review of endoscopy and HP examination to determine the ulcer healing and Hp eradication. Results: Hp was effectively eradicated after 1, 2 and 3 weeks of Livzon stomach triple therapy, and the healing rate of gastric ulcer increased significantly. One week treatment group Hp eradication rate 85.71%, ulcer healing rate 80.95%, two weeks treatment The eradication rate and healing rate of gastric ulcer in Hp group and three-week treatment group were significantly higher than those in the one-week treatment group (P <0.05). There was no significant difference between the two-week treatment group and the three-week treatment group. Conclusion: All the three groups can effectively treat gastric ulcer and effectively eradicate Helicobacter pylori. Two weeks treatment program for more scientific and effective treatment options.
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