
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:y328151006
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去年10月,我在本地新华书店又买到一本徐民生和谢维荪又一次合力编著的《仙人掌花卉》。这本书仅有5万8千字,却很具特色。第一,它没有采用植物学分类的方法,而采取了一种结合植物学性状、分布地点和生态特点的新分类方法,把仙人掌科的94个属分别归入叶仙人掌类、掌状仙人掌类、附生类型、仙人柱类、毛柱类、多花性球类、强刺球类、花座球类、小型球类等九大类中,每类2属至10多属。这种分类方法既科学又通俗,很适宜一般掌类植物爱好者及花卉生产者的需要和应用。第二,这本书虽小,但也在九大类下简明地介绍了72个属173个品种,附带介绍的变种32个。更值得指出的是205种中有95种是前两书中未曾介绍过的。三本书剔除重复共介绍311种,这本小册子就占了近三分之一,可以说在较大程度上补充了前两书。第三,这本书的字数比前两书少得多,但它所包含的内容并不少。除了未载那些对专业人员比较适宜的内容(植物学分类系统和检索表及附录)外,其它有关掌类植物栽培、管理、繁殖、杂交、引种等等通过浓缩和适当精炼基本上都保留了下来,而且有些地方还有所增益。如在“冬季管理”一节中,介绍了为一般爱好者能办到的、非常实用的“双层薄膜大棚”;在“光照”一节中增加了“室内光线量对 Last October, I bought a copy of ”Cactus Flower“ co-authored by Xu Minsheng and Xie Weisun at the local Xinhua Bookstore. This book is only 58,000 words, but very unique. First, instead of adopting the method of botany classification, it adopts a new classification method that combines botanical characters, distribution locations and ecological characteristics. The 94 genera of cactaceae are classified into leaf cactus, palmate cactus , Epiphytic types, immortal pillars, hair pillars, floret balls, acanthopanax ball, flower balls, small balls and other nine categories, each of 2 to more than 10 genera. This classification method is both scientific and popular, and is very suitable for the needs and applications of general plant-type plant lovers and flower producers. Second, although this book is small, it also briefly introduces 72 genera and 173 cultivars under the nine categories, with 32 introductory variants. It is also worth pointing out that 95 of the 205 species were not described in the previous two books. Three books excluding duplicates introduced a total of 311 kinds, this booklet accounted for nearly one-third, it can be said to a large extent, supplemented the first two books. Third, this book has far fewer words than the first two books, but it contains a lot of content. Apart from the content (botanic classification system and search form and appendix) which are more suitable for the professionals, all other information about cultivation, management, breeding, crossbreeding, introduction, etc. of the relevant palms have basically been preserved through concentration and proper refining Down, and in some places there is gain. As in the ”winter management“ section, introduced for the average fan can do, very useful ”double film greenhouse “; in ”light “ section adds ”room light Right amount
  目的 比较头颈部肿瘤患者使用螺旋断层放疗系统(TomoTherpay)过程中,靶区和各危及器官的计划与实际受照射剂量的区别.方法 对12例头颈部肿瘤患者使用TomoTherpay根治性放
柿角斑病是柿树的重要病害,各柿产区均有发生,发病严重时,造成柿树早期落叶、落果,对树势和产量影响很大。 一、症状 该病主要为害柿叶及柿蒂。叶片受害,初期在正面出现黄绿
  目的 研究头颈部肿瘤患者放疗过程中腮腺体积和剂量的变化情况.方法 12例行TomoTherpay根治性放疗的头颈部肿瘤患者,每次治疗前进行图像引导,获得MVCT图像.选取治疗开始后
  Aim As a mixture of various antioxidants, apple polyphenols (APs) are widely investigated for the protective effects against oxidative stress.Epidemiologica