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目的探索适合餐饮业的营养干预模式,改善在外就餐人群的不良膳食行为。方法选取市内餐厅各1家为干预组与对照组,在干预餐厅内开展综合的营养干预,调查评估干预前后就餐人群及从业人员营养知识的改变及就餐人群点餐行为的改变。结果干预后餐厅就餐人群及从业人员营养知识水平均有所提高,营养相关行为也得到改善。如:服务人员(27人)知道膳食指南的比例由干预前的11.1%上升到干预后的100%,服务人员能够引导顾客选择健康菜品的比例由干预前的59.3%上升到干预后的100%,而这一比例在干预前仅为59.3%;干预前47.6%的厨师(21人)知道食盐过多与高血压的关系,干预后变为100.0%,以低盐少油为烹调原则的厨师比例也由19.0%上升到100.0%;就餐人群(200人)在干预前仅有5.5%的人知道膳食宝塔,干预后这一比例提高到20.0%,干预前60.0%就餐人群的点餐首选依据为菜品的口味,干预后则先关注菜品的营养搭配(58.0%)。结论通过开展餐饮业营养干预,初步探索出适合餐饮业的营养干预模式,并使得在外就餐人员的不良膳食行为得到改善。 Objective To explore a nutritional intervention mode suitable for the catering industry and to improve the poor dietary behaviors of out-of-town residents. Methods One city restaurant was chosen as the intervention group and the control group. The comprehensive nutrition intervention was conducted in the intervention restaurant. The nutrition knowledge before and after the intervention and the changes of nutrition knowledge of the employees and the changes of the eating behavior of the dining crowd were investigated. Results After the intervention, the nutritional knowledge level of the dining-dining crowd and employees were improved, and the nutrition-related behaviors were also improved. For example, service personnel (27 persons) knew that the proportion of dietary guidelines increased from 11.1% before intervention to 100% after intervention, and the percentage of service personnel who could guide customers to choose healthy dishes rose from 59.3% before intervention to 100% Compared with 59.3% before intervention; 47.6% of the chefs (21) before intervention knew that the relationship between excessive salt and hypertension was 100.0% after intervention, and the chef The proportion also rose from 19.0% to 100.0%. Only about 5.5% of the diners (200 persons) knew the pagoda before the intervention, the proportion increased to 20.0% after the intervention, and 60.0% For the taste of dishes, after intervention first concerned about nutrition mix (58.0%). Conclusion Through the nutrition intervention in the catering industry, the mode of nutrition intervention suitable for the catering industry is initially explored, and the bad eating behavior of the ex-dining staff is improved.
为了解宁前胡内生真菌Fusarium tricinctum固体发酵代谢产物的化学成分,采用硅胶色谱、中压以及制备液相等方法对其进行分离鉴定和抗肿瘤活性研究。结果表明,从其中分离得到1
报道了中国兰科石斛属一新记录种:瑙蒙石斛(Dendrobium naungmungense Q. Liu&X. H. Jin),并提供特征描述及彩色图片。凭证标本现存于福建农林大学林学院树木标本室(FJFC)。