近年来,森林蔬菜在城里人餐桌上经常出现,价格不断上涨,市场颇为走俏,成了现代人的餐饮“新宠”,越来越受世人尤其是经济发达地区人们的青睐。 “森林蔬菜”即生长于荒山野林中的山野菜、木本蔬菜以及利用林木栽培的食用菌类。由于森林蔬菜生长在天然的优良环境中,不受农药,化肥及其它有毒物质的污染,营养价值高,又具独特的保健作用,迎合了现代人的消费观念。
In recent years, forest vegetables often appear on city people’s tables, the prices are rising, the market is quite popular, and has become the “new darling” of modern restaurants, more and more people in the world, especially in economically developed areas. “Forest vegetables” are mountain wild plants, woody vegetables, and edible mushrooms cultivated using trees that grow in barren mountain forests. As the growth of forest vegetables in the natural good environment, free from pesticides, fertilizers and other toxic substances in the pollution, high nutritional value, but also has a unique role in health care to meet the modern concept of consumption.