Investigation of Portevin–Le Chatelier Band Strain and Elastic Shrinkage in Al-Based Alloys Associat

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuyuwei1210
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The Portevin–Le Chatelier(PLC) effect in Al–2.30wt%Mg, Al–4.57wt%Mg and Al–6.91wt%Mg alloys has been investigated at various applied strain rates at room temperature in this study. Three-dimensional digital image correlation(3D-DIC) technique was applied to obtaining the further insight into the spatiotemporal characteristics, in particular the influence of Mg content on deformation behaviors. Mg content has a pronounced effect on serration characteristics, including the serration type and amplitude; Mg content tends to weaken the spatial correlation of the propagative bands. Additionally, the serration amplitude linearly increases with the maximum PLC band strain; high Mg content generates a higher PLC band strain at a given serration amplitude compared with low Mg content. Mg content is found to be effective to enhance the serration amplitude, the maximum PLC band strain and also the amount of elastic shrinkage outside PLC bands. The Portevin-Le Chatelier (PLC) effect in Al-2.30 wt% Mg, Al-4.57 wt% Mg and Al-6.91 wt% Mg alloys has been investigated at various applied strain rates at room temperature in this study. Three-dimensional digital image correlation (3D-DIC) technique was applied to obtain the further insight into the spatiotemporal characteristics, in particular the influence of Mg content on deformation behaviors. Mg content has a pronounced effect on serration characteristics, including the serration type and amplitude; Mg content翻译 解释 As the concentration of linear increases increases with the maximum PLC band strain; the high Mg content generates a higher PLC band strain at a given concentration of serration amplitude with low Mg content. be effective to enhance the serration amplitude, the maximum PLC band strain and also the amount of elastic shrinkage outside PLC bands.
【摘 要】沥拌站电气线路的组成与安装;电气线路常见的故障分析及解决方法;做好调试工作;做好控制室的温度调节。  【关键词】合理布线;过载保护;漏电保护;传感器屏蔽线  Installation of electrical systems in the highway construction and maintenance  Jia Hai-yi  (Railway 19th Bureau Gro
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