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本论文首先分别简要介绍了中国特有的传统元素和游戏的发展状况,Q版游戏场景设计的概念,简要阐述了我国古代建筑的特点以及分类。以及中国古代建筑在游戏场景设计中的重要作用,并举例加以说明其被运用的广泛性。(如热血江湖为例)接着阐述了游戏里场景设计的原则和思路。并说明了在主题下采用这种形式进行场景设计的原因。在确定游戏主题前,要考虑到游戏的风格和世界观,中国古代历史背景的Q版玄幻类游戏,设计重点放在了建筑的造型风格和图案运用与Q版相结合来完成这个主题。在创作过程中,要始终注意整体与局部的关系处理,注重场景色彩的搭配与建筑的古代风的呈现,力求创造玄幻感并达到美观效果。整个设计制作过程始终体现游戏世界观背景,在细节上不断表现和突出设计理念,强调整体和谐统一。最后得出结论,游戏场景设计需要根据游戏的主题整体上把握游戏的场景造型,驾驭整个游戏的主题。从游戏主题出发,结合自己的创作灵感,生活阅历以及历史素材,通过设计游戏场景,使游戏产品在艺术表现和用户体验二者实现和谐统一。 This paper first briefly introduces the development of China's unique traditional elements and games, the concept of Q version of the game scene design, briefly describes the characteristics and classification of ancient buildings in China. As well as the important role of ancient Chinese architecture in the design of game scenes. An example is given to illustrate the extensiveness of its application. (Such as Blood Lake) as an example, and then elaborates the principles and ideas of scene design in the game. And explains the reasons for using this form for scenario design under the theme. In determining the theme of the game, to take into account the style of the game and the world outlook, ancient Chinese historical background Q version of fantasy games, the design focuses on the building's style and design patterns and Q version of the combination to complete this theme. In the process of creation, we should always pay attention to the relationship between the whole and the local treatment, pay attention to the collocation of scene colors and the presentation of the ancient style of architecture, and strive to create fantasy and aesthetic effect. The entire design process has always embodies the background of the game world view, continuous performance in the details and highlight the design concept, emphasizing the overall harmony and unity. Finally concluded that the game scene design based on the theme of the game as a whole to grasp the shape of the game scene, control the theme of the game. Starting from the theme of the game, combining the creative inspiration, life experience and historical material of the game, the game product is designed to harmonize the artistic expression with the user experience by designing the game scene.
自然科学博物馆,台中MuseumofNaturalScience,Taichung设计宗迈建筑师事务所(Fei&ChengAssociates)本案之建筑规划其基本的理念是首先要找到一个可以逐步发展的模式,供博物馆未来10年甚至20年发展之用,为使其... Museum of Natural Scien
<正> 在《新时代》杂志上刚刚发表的、我们已故大师恩格斯的遗著中,维尔纳尔·桑巴特先生被称赞为对待马克思的著作采取无偏见态度的第一位德国大学教授。凑巧,桑巴特先生同时在一份资产阶级周刊上开始发表一篇对恩格斯作历史地评价的悼词。这篇文章同样以无偏见而出众,桑巴特先生试图以此公正地对待革命社会主义的伟大先驱。但是正因为值得同桑巴特先生作实质的讨论,我们要对他的悼词中的几点作进一步的说明,因为他在这几点上或多或少向我们弄错了真实的事态。