首款中文Fastap全键盘手机 ZTE中兴D90

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全力支持TD-SCDMA的中兴通讯(ZTE),在其它制式产品的研发上同样不遗余力,特别是在国外市场,中兴各制式产品的出货量及产品的丰富性都堪称国产手机之最。全球首款通过FCC认证的CDMA2000 EVDO手机——ZTE中兴D90,便是中兴在北美颇受好评的一款力作,并因其出色的设计而赢得2007年德国红点(Red Dot)工业设计大奖,成为中国首个获此殊荣的手机厂商。此番,挟电信三分天下之势,中兴聪明地将D90锁向了189这块尚未丰满的“天翼”空间。因应国情,D90弃用CDMA2000 EVDO,改采CDMA 1×制式,并以其出色的设计和便捷的通讯方式,为当下尚不丰富的天翼机型增色不少。 ZTE, which fully supports TD-SCDMA, also spared no efforts in R & D of other standard products. In particular, in the foreign markets, ZTE’s shipment of various standard products and the richness of products are among the top domestic mobile phones. The world’s first CDMA2000 EVDO mobile phone certified by the FCC, the ZTE ZTE D90, is a highly acclaimed work by ZTE in North America and won the 2007 Red Dot Industrial Design Award for its outstanding design. Become China’s first mobile phone maker to win this award. This time, relying on telecommunications third world situation, ZTE cleverly locked the D90 189 not yet plump “Tianyi ” space. In response to national conditions, D90 abandoned CDMA2000 EVDO, converted to CDMA 1 × standard, and its excellent design and convenient means of communication for the present is not yet rich Tianyi models a lot.
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