顺应经济变化 助力行业发展

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在我国进入全面深化改革,评估行业面临跨越式发展和挑战的关键时期,财政部干部教育中心与中国资产评估协会在西安联合举办了资产评估行业地方协会秘书长及高端人才培训班。来自各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市资产评估协会秘书长、证券评估资格资产评估机构以及2013年行业综合排名前100家评估机构负责人、中评协副主任以上干部共计160多人参加培训。会上,刘萍秘书长作了题为《用远见和智慧建设行业》的专题讲座,宋阳副书记、卞荣华副秘书长,韩立英副秘书长分别就协会建设、行业建设和专业建设等工作作了介绍。本期将刊登刘萍秘书长和宋阳副书记的讲话内容。 As China entered a crucial period of deepening the reform in an all-round way and assessing that the industry is facing leaps and bounds in its development and challenges, the Cadre Education Center of the Ministry of Finance jointly organized with China Assets Appraisal Association a secretary-general and a high-end training course for local associations in the asset appraisal industry in Xi’an. From the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, the Secretary-General of the Asset Appraisal Society of State Planning Municipality, securities assessment qualified asset assessment agencies and the 2013 industry comprehensive ranking of the top 100 assessment agency leaders, deputy comrades in charge of more than 160 cadres total of more than attended the training. At the meeting, Secretary-General Liu Ping gave a lecture titled “Building Industry with Vision and Wisdom”. Deputy Secretary Song Yang, Deputy Secretary-General Bian Ronghua and Deputy Secretary-General Han Liying separately gave lectures on the construction of associations, industry construction and professional construction Made a presentation. This issue will be published in the Secretary-General Liu Ping and deputy secretary of Song Yang’s speech.
顾静宇同志主持公司全面工作后,正值有色金属工业管理体制急剧变革时期,他团结党组一班人,齐心协力,较好地 After Comrade Gu Jingyu presided over the overall work of t
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日前,国家统计局宣布:我国上半年G D P增速同比达到8.2%,创近年来同期最高水平。与此同时,固定资产投资和工业生产也分别刷新了自1994年以来的最高纪录。 国家统计局认为,不
张维然 ,男 ,1 940年 1 0月出生 ,上海市人。 1 963年 7月毕业于河海大学数力系应用数学专业。毕业后留校任教。 1 981— 1 984年在上海城建学院管理系任教。 1 984年1 2月至
著名京剧表演艺术家、教育家李鸣盛先生因病医治无效 ,于 2 0 0 2年 3月 6日在北京逝世。 3月 1 0日 ,首都戏曲界约百人 ,在北京中医院举行了向李鸣盛先生遗体告别仪式。参加