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随着教育事业的不断发展和进步,对于人才的培养要求越来越高,这就需要对传统的教学模式和方法进行改革,以此来突出学生作为课堂主体的地位。对于高中英语课堂教学来说,要使学生掌握尽可能多的语法知识以及词汇量,这对学生和教师来说压力都比较大,需要采用合适的方式来对英语教学进行辅助,而思维导图就是其中一个比较有效的方式,能够对当前的教学方式进行改善。 With the continuous development and progress of education, the demand for the cultivation of talents is getting higher and higher. This requires reforming the traditional teaching methods and methods so as to highlight the students’ position as the main body of the class. For senior high school English classroom teaching, to enable students to master as much grammar knowledge and vocabulary, which are more stressful for students and teachers, need to use appropriate ways to assist English teaching, and mind mapping Is one of the more effective ways to improve the current teaching methods.
9月6日下午,省志办旧志整理工作座谈会在江苏省方志馆四楼会议室举行。南大历史系副主任、教授、博导范金民,中科院南京地理研究所图 On the afternoon of September 6, the
“一条响尾蛇的毒牙刺进了麦克的脚并且释放出致命的毒液,他知道,依靠自己的力量他无法回家。” “A rattlesnake’s fangs pierce Mike’s feet and release deadly venom,