
来源 :建筑材料工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hobbycui
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几年来,我区建筑材料的生产在内蒙党政的领导下有了巨大的发展,西部地区的红砖已经作到了自给自足,包头的耐火器材也能大量供应,但是由于我区的建设速度远远超过了建筑材料的生产速度,因此,我区建筑材料工业的发展前途是很大的,自从党中央提出全党全民办工业的伟大的建国方针之后,随着全区大中小型地方工业的迅速增加,我区的建筑材料就更感不足了.目前不仅是钢材和水泥赶不上施工的需要,就是地方建筑材料,不论是在品种方面或数量、质量及规格方面,尤其是在需要的时间上,都已经开始呈现出紧张状态,突出的表现在最近建筑材料的供应与施工计划开始脱节.为了彻底地解决这一问题和长远打算,以便今后更好地适应我区大规模的建设高潮,特根据我区目前的一些具体情况提出几点初步意见,请有关部门参考. (一)我区地方建筑材料的生产与管理,应该和设计施工协调起来. 目前我区大部分地区,特别是建筑任务繁重的地 Over the past few years, the production of building materials in our area has undergone tremendous development under the leadership of the party and government of Inner Mongolia. The red bricks in the western region have been self-sufficient, and the refractory materials in Baotou can also be supplied in large quantities, but due to the speed of construction in our district It far exceeds the production speed of building materials. Therefore, the development prospects of the building materials industry in our district are very large. Since the Party Central Committee put forward the great principle of nation-building of all parties and privately-run industries, with the With the rapid increase, the building materials in our district are even more inadequate. At present, it is not only steel and cement that cannot meet the needs of construction, but also local building materials, whether in terms of variety or quantity, quality and specifications, especially at the required time. All of them have begun to show tension. The outstanding performance has recently begun to fall out of supply of construction materials and construction plans. In order to completely solve this problem and long-term plan, in order to better adapt to the large-scale construction boom in our district in the future, According to some specific conditions in our district, some preliminary opinions are provided, and the relevant departments should be consulted. (1) Production and management of local building materials in our district. The design and construction coordination up now in most parts of our region, particularly the heavy task of building land
济南第二机床厂:为了以实际行动贯彻党的八届八 中全会决议,我们坚决响应提前完成今年生产计划和使 明年第一季度生产水平不低于今年第四季度的号召,特 向到会的各兄弟单位提
每一个建筑工程的完成价值,是由直接费、间接费和利润三部分构成的,根据国家统计局的规定,它的计算公式是:建筑工程完成价值= 直接费(1+间接费率)(1+利润率)按照这一公式,计