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随着市场竞争激烈程度的加剧,越来越多的大中小企业开始齐声高喊“以市场为导向”。但是一旦市场旺季到来,就会有很多的中小企业把“以市场为导向”抛在一边,忙于市场的扩张,片面追求产品销售额或利润额的增长。因为“以市场为导向,以顾客为中心”说到底是一种定性的东西,我们很难通过什么数据化的东西把它加以量化,而我们目前对营销部门的考核方式基本上还是以利润额或销售额这些绝对化的数字作为考核依据。这种考核方式就决定着我们的营销经理在市场旺季到来之时会去片面的追求利润额或销售额的增长,最终还是按“以销售为导向,以产品为中心”的观念来操作我们的市场。可是我们的老总们天天喊着“以市场为导向,以顾客为中心”他们一定不会相信你所说的话,甚至有可能质问你,我们怎么不是以市场为导向?我们怎么不是以顾客为中心?你看我们的生产、财务、人事三个部门相互合作,相辅相成共同以市场为导向,以顾客为中心。营销部门是其他三个部门的服务对象,而且我们还制定了许多制度来规范各个部门的市场行为。但是我们大家都知道制度毕竟是写在纸上,它距离执行还有二段距离。而且在很大程度上市场导向制度的执行者在很多公司 With intensified market competition, more and more small and medium enterprises began to shout in unison “market-oriented ”. However, once the peak season arrives, many small and medium-sized enterprises will put “market-oriented” aside and are busy expanding their markets and pursuing the growth of product sales or profits one-sidedly. Because “market-oriented, customer-centric ” in the final analysis is a qualitative thing, it is difficult to quantify what it is through the data of things, and our current assessment of the marketing department is basically based on Profit or sales of these absolute figures as the basis for assessment. This assessment determines the way our marketing manager will be one-sided pursuit of profits or sales growth in the peak season, and ultimately by “sales-oriented, product-centric ” concept to operate Our market. However, our CEOs shout every day, “market-oriented, customer-centric ” They will not believe what you say, and may even ask you how we are not market-oriented? As the center »You see our production, finance, personnel three departments cooperate with each other, complement each other jointly market-oriented, customer-centric. The marketing department is the target of the other three departments, and we have also developed a number of systems to regulate the market behavior of various departments. But we all know that the system, after all, is written on paper, and it is two steps away from its implementation. And to a large extent, the market-oriented system is implemented by many companies
1 病例报告例1 女性,4 4岁。左眼睑间歇性水肿2个月。入院检查:左眼视力4 9,左下眼睑轻度水肿,球结膜无充血、水肿,屈光间质透明,眼底未见异常,眼球下转轻度受限,眼球突出