
来源 :中学生数理化(初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beautyyin123
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解直角三角形学习提示《解直角三角形》这一章是三角学的基础知识,是初中数学的重要内容之一.纵观全国各省市中考试卷,不少考题都涉及和渗透这部分知识.学习本章重点掌握锐角三角函数的概念和直角三角形的解法,同时注重学习和运用数形结合思想. 重要考点有:锐角三角函数的概念,求特殊角的三角函数值,互为余角(或同一个锐角)的三角函数关系,锐角三角函数值的变化规律,解直角三角形(包括一些能用直角三角形解的斜三角形问题),解直角三角形的应用(主要用来直接计算距离、角度及以解直角三角形为工具解决实际问题).主要题型是计算题和应用题. 基于以上几点,编发了《锐角三角函数重点知识梳理》、《解直角三角形考点透视》等文章.针对中考考查解直角三角形知识的命题趋势和特点,编发了《中考中的解直角三角形问题》等文章. ——编者 Solve the right-angled triangle learning tips “Solve the right triangle” This chapter is the basic knowledge of trigonometry, is one of the important content of junior high school mathematics. Throughout the national examination papers in various provinces and cities, many questions involve and penetrate this part of the knowledge. Learning chapter Focus on the concept of the acute angle trigonometric function and the solution of the right-angled triangle. At the same time pay attention to the study and use of the combination of number and shape. The important test points are: the concept of the acute angle trigonometric function, the value of the trigonometric function of the special angle, and the complementary angle (or the same acute angle) The trigonometric function relationship, the change rule of the acute angle trigonometric function, solving the right-angled triangle (including some oblique triangles that can be solved by the right-angled triangle), and solving the application of the right-angled triangle (mainly used to directly calculate the distance, angle and solving the right triangle For the tool to solve practical problems). The main questions are calculated questions and applied questions. Based on the above points, we compiled the article “Fighting of key angles of acute angle trigonometric functions” and “Solving angles of right angle triangles”. Propositional trends and characteristics of the proposition, published the “resolving the right triangle in the exam” and other articles. - Editor
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