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评价日本东芝TBA-30FR全自动生化分析仪的工作性能。方法:用进口和国产试剂及定值质控血清对该仪器的准确度、精密度及交叉污染等进行了观察。结果:应用进口及国产试剂测定生化指标20项,其准确度除1个结果位于允差范围内外,其余结果均位于可信范围内。精密度观察:批内不精密度cv%为0.27~0.71,批间不精密度cv%为0.87~2.88。交叉污染率为0~0.87%。结论:通过准确度、精明度和交叉污染试验的观察,我们认为该仪器可以满足临床化学实验室的要求。 Evaluation of Toshiba TBA-30FR automatic biochemical analyzer performance. Methods: The accuracy, precision and cross-contamination of the instrument were observed by imported and domestic reagents and serums with quality control. Results: There were 20 biochemical indexes measured by imported and domestic reagents. Except for 1 result, all the results were within the tolerance range, and the rest were within the credible range. Precision observation: intra-batch precision cv% 0.27 ~ 0.71, inter-batch precision cv% 0.87 ~ 2.88. Cross-contamination rate of 0 ~ 0.87%. Conclusion: Through the observation of accuracy, brightness and cross-contamination test, we think the instrument can meet the requirements of clinical chemistry laboratories.
上期提要:阿鲤与阿鱿精彩对决,只为了那顿猪头肉,谁赢谁输,关系重大!“啪”!“啊呀”!“叮当”!就在他举剑凌空劈下时,阿鱿的笤帚柄不偏不倚,狠狠地 A summary of the last
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1. Introduction As a young modern city, Shenzhen has been developed from a small border town with a population of 23,000 into a megacity of almost 7,000,000 peo
有一天,鸡妈妈在给小鸡们讲恐龙的故事。“恐龙早已经没有了。”鸡妈妈说,“所有的恐龙都已经死了。”这时候,一个大脑袋伸了过来说:“我是恐龙。” One day, the chicken m
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书上说父爱无言,不像母爱那样溢于言表,父亲的爱需要自己去体会和发现。  记得有一天夜晚,天空电闪雷鸣,雨劈劈啪啪地打在雨篷上,狂风穿过纱窗吹进屋来,窗帘被风吹得胀鼓鼓的,我被吓得合不上眼。  那晚,妈妈没在家,爸爸在看电视。轰隆隆!!!一个响雷打来,吓得我发抖。我想让爸爸来陪我。爸爸拒绝了,对我说:“男子汉,怕什么怕!以后这个家由你当,自己的家是最安全的地方,别忘了你是男孩子。”我没做声,只觉得爸
介绍了一种由大规模专用IC芯片所组成的数字显示智能上壤温度表,论述了它的功能及主要技术指标,说明了它的使用方法和实用性。 This paper introduces a kind of digital disp
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