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近来,一种电子调温水床以其舒适保健、冬暖夏凉、情趣浪漫等优势,逐渐成为现代人梦中相依的新宠。水床最早出现于七十年代的美国,后很快在欧美等发达地区流行开来,近年又陆续进入普通中国人的家庭。尤其是国产水床亮相市场后,其价廉物美、维修方便的特点,更是引起了大批消费者的兴趣。水床的制造原理是利用橡胶或新一代高分子复合材料精制成水袋充水而成。医学证明,水床利用水“无孔不入”的特性,几乎能够百分之百地贴合人体曲线,从而实现了睡床与人体接触受力的均匀。水的浮力把人体轻轻托起还可将人体肌肉、神经、血管所承受的压力减少到最小。而普通卧具由于与睡于其上的人体实际只有几个接触点,难免会 Recently, an electronic thermostatic water bed has gradually become the new darling of modern people’s dreams due to its advantages of comfort and health, warm in winter, cool in summer and cool in taste and romance. The water bed first appeared in the United States in the 1970s and soon became popular in developed regions such as Europe and the United States. In recent years, the water beds gradually entered the families of ordinary Chinese. In particular, the domestic water bed debut market, its cheap, easy maintenance features, but also caused a large number of consumer interest. Water bed manufacturing principle is the use of rubber or a new generation of polymer composite water purification into a water bag made. Medical proof, the use of water bed “all-pervasive” feature, almost 100% fit the curve of the human body, in order to achieve bed and body contact force evenly. Buoyancy of the water to gently lift the human body can also be the body muscles, nerves, blood vessels to withstand the pressure to a minimum. Ordinary bedding and as sleeping on the human body actually only a few contact points, it will inevitably be
如今随着家居空间的不断扩大,古典装饰便有了悄然兴起的基本条件。有人说:“古典是一种永久的时髦”,那么它的永恒魅力究竟何在呢? ●风格与品位风格为家居装饰中的灵魂,绝
把芝麻、粳米和蜂蜜三种原料加在一起煮成的粥,易于消化吸收,长期食用,有利于幼儿身体成长,且有益智之功效。方法是:取芝麻50g,粳米 The sesame, rice and honey together
一、鸡蛋羹(三人量) 材料:鸡蛋3只,小青菜心3~4棵(或西红柿一个),盐、味精少许。 First, the egg soup (three amount) Material: 3 eggs, small cabbage heart 3 to 4 (or
圣经说,亚当和夏娃偷食禁果后,便拿无花果树的叶子为自己遮羞。可眼下,我们该用哪片树叶来遮羞呢? The Bible says that after Adam and Eve stole the forbidden fruit, th
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