
来源 :小学生(教学实践) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fulinbo
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作文教学是语文教学中的重要部分。小学语文教学中,一、二年级学生以写话为主,到三年级学生开始写作文。有的学生一提写作文便愁眉苦脸,总觉得无话可说,无话可写。如果教师能总结出好的作文教学经验作指导,学生便能掌握到一定的写作方法,那么作文教学中教师难教,学生难学的问题就迎刃而解了。以下就着重从三方面淡谈作文的起步教学:一、指导学生积累材料写作文要有材料,既要有生活材料,也要有语言材料,两者缺一不可。一个学生如果没有一定的知识经验、思想感情和语言材料的积累,就谈不上写好作文。因此,培养学生积累生活材料和语言材 Composition teaching is an important part of Chinese teaching. Primary language teaching, first and second grade students to write the main, to the third grade students began writing. Some students mention the composition of a frown, always feel nothing to say, no words to write. If the teacher can summarize the good writing teaching experience as a guide, the student can master a certain writing method, then the teaching of the composition is difficult to teach the students, and the difficult problem of the students is easily solved. The following focuses on starting from three aspects of composition teaching: First, guide students to accumulate materials Writing materials required materials, both living materials, but also have language materials, both indispensable. If a student without a certain amount of knowledge and experience, thoughts and feelings and the accumulation of language materials, there is no way to write a good essay. Therefore, training students to accumulate living materials and language materials
我一直很纳闷,为什么苍蝇拍要做成网状的,这样有什么好处呢?A:一提到苍蝇,人们都对其深恶痛绝,因为被苍蝇叮过的食物容易带上病菌,影响人体的健康。 I always wondered why
Routine GC/MS analysis may apply to the volatilized Low-Molecular-Weight compounds in saturate and aromatic hydrocarbon fractions;thus,relative studies using th