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  The door opened. Dino came back. It was just 5 p.m., too early. I sat still near the window, holding Mary’s sweater and looking out. Leaves were blown down by the light breeze. The ground was covered by red and yellow leaves. Unfortunately, Dino’s black car crushed them. Half an hour later, Mary would reach home, and we could have a happy dinner.
  The footfall was nearer and clearer. Dino burst into our living room. Just in a second, he glanced at me and walked into our bedroom. “Hey, where is my shirt?” he called.
  I stood up, walked toward the room and opened the wardrobe. “Here.”
  Water was flowing. I took the paper in the drawer from my dressing table.
  Before Dino and I got married, I knew about Susan and Dino. I still married him. Dino promised me that he had broken up with Susan. One year later, Dino fathered a daughter. Until Mary was 5 years old, Dino and I didn’t have fixed jobs. Fortunately, everything went well. Dino loved to play with Mary. I loved staying at home, making food for them and cared for Mary when Dino was out to drink with his young brother, Jino, or had party with his friends.
  Mary and Jino’s daughter—Lorry, were old enough to go to school. Considering that my savings was running out, I decided to work as a sales rep with Cady, Jino’s wife. At that time, Dino told me he also had found a job as a car instructor.
  One night, Dino took Mary and me to a pub. Six young ladies and two men, who I knew were Dino’s colleagues, were drinking and laughing. Two girls made room, and Dino directly sat down between them, put one arm around the right girl and smiled to the left one. “Sorry, I’m late.”
  Back home, I said to Dino, “Dino, you were too intimate with those girls, You’d better not next time. After all, Mary was young.”
  “Ah! It doesn’t matter. They are just my trainees. Just for fun.”
  That day, Mary was 12 years old. Dino was not at home because he was busy with his work. Mary said, “Mum, I don’t want them.”
  “Why?They are your best friends.”
  “Every time they came to our house, Dad always played with them, but scolded me. Now Dad doesn’t love me. He is not like my old father.”
  “Little girl, he is your father. Of course, he loves you best.”
  “Mum, don’t cheat me. Last month I heard Dad argued with you. Dad hit you, right?”
  “Nothing serious.”
  I touched Mary’s head and forced a smile. I got a feeling that Mary had knew something.   4
  Dino went out of bathroom, walked to the coach and sat down. I put the paper in front of him and passed him a gel pen. “Everything has already been prepared. So sign it.”
  He looked at it. Unsurprisingly, he tore it up.
  “What do you want?”
  “I didn’t want anything.”
  “But we had a deal before.” I slapped him.
  Dino grabbed a handful of my hair and kicked me. He grasped my collar and threw me into the corner. I snarled, “Enough.”
  Jino and Cady burst in. Jino shouted, “Dino, stop.” and dragged him out. Cady helped me stand up. Mary was standing at the door. She rushed to hug me, “Mum, I just want you.”
  Cady said, “Mary, don’t cry. Today is your 15-year-old birthday. We have prepared many delicious food. Lorry is waiting for you enjoy dinner.”
  The engine was running. Through the window, it was easy to see that dust rose along the road. “Yeah! Mum, he had gone.” Mary’s eyes were glittering. I smiled back.
  The day was breaking. Outside the window, the wind blew down the last leaf. Holding Mary in my arms, I took out the divorce settlement and indictment out of cabinet beside the bed. One more time, I want it just one more time.
【摘要】多元智能理论在英语小学英语绘本阅读教学中的实施,通过调动学生的优势,创建多元化的教学模式,倡导科学的评价模式,其在教学中都会发挥主观的作用。本文就如何将多元智能理论应用于小学英语绘本阅读教学中进行了详細探讨。  【关键词】多元智能理论 小学英语绘本阅读 意义 策略  随着全球经济的增长,英语作为交流工具变得越来越重要。在2001年中国教育部将英语纳入小学的基本课程中,《义务教育英语课程标准
【摘要】微课作为一种新型的教学模式,对于传统英语教学起到了一个很好的补充作用,英语教师应让其在英语教学中充分发挥它的优势,打造真正意义的高效课堂,提高学生对语言的运用能力。  【关键词】“微时代” 高中英语教学 思考  微课作为当下社会发展需要与科学技术所结合的产物,符合了当前时代发展的特点,受到广大教育工作者的欢迎。随着新课程改革的不断推进,传统的教学方法已经很难满足高中英语教学的需要了,这就需
【摘要】智力残疾人是所有残疾人当中学习最困难的群体。他们从进入小学开始就会不断地遇到学习方面的难题。进入职业高中,他们在学习英语的过程中,不可避免的又会遇到更多的困难。智力残疾学生虽然在英语学习上存在很多困难,但是也还是具有一定的学习能力。本文尝试围绕智力残疾学生职业高中阶段的英语课堂出现的问题及解决方法进行了探讨。  【关键词】智力残疾人 职高 英语教学  广州市2014年在全市范围内的职业高中
【摘要】旅游标识语作为一种特定的语言形态有其独特的语言特色和文本功能。在全球化经济蓬勃发展的背景下,地区经济的发展与旅游业的发展互相促进,这也使得景区双语标识语的不规范化问题日益显露。这不仅为外国游客带来不便,更是对地区甚至是国家的形象造成不良影响。所以,笔者通过对赣州市景区英文标识语进行调查分析,对景区英文标识语存在的问题进行研究并提出了相关的解决方法,以此促进景区英文标识语的发展。  【关键词
【摘要】开展小组合作学习是课堂教学的重中之重。小组合作学习模式是创新英语教学,优化小组活动的一种有效实用的策略。这种学习方式能有效激发学生学习的兴趣,挖掘学习的潜力,从而培养学生进行英语口语训练以及英语运用的能力。  【关键词】初中英语 合作学习 教学策略  小组合作学习是将班级按一定要求组合成学习小组,以学习目标和任务为向导,以设疑、尝试、引导、体验、比较、探究、討论为基本方式,讲究教师的主导与
【摘要】教学模式单一、教材内容滞后以及课堂互动较少等诸多问题使得听力成为众多英语学习者较薄弱的一项能力。目前多媒体技术的发展以及网络资源的丰富为英语听力教学带来了前所未有的机遇。本文从剖析传统英语听力教学中存在的弊端出发,阐述了多媒体网络环境下大学英语听力课的优势,并根据笔者教学实践,对多媒体网络环境下的听力教学进行了积极的探索。  【关键词】多媒体 网络环境 大学英语听力教学  一、引言  对于