Improvement and Progress of CARR Fluid Systems Design

来源 :Annual Report for China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hhejiang
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There are 18 fluid systems in CARR. They are respectively: the reactor coolant system(RCS); the secondary cooling water system; the heavy water cooling system; the secondary shutdown system; the helium system; the vacuum system; the warm-layer circulation system; the emergency core cooling system(ECCS); the isotope chamber water cooling system; the pool-water feed and drain system; the reactor coolant purification system; the reactor pool-water purification system; the heavy water purification system; the heavy water condense system; the intermediate-level waste There are 18 fluid systems in CARR. They are respectively: the reactor coolant system (RCS); the secondary cooling water system; the heavy water cooling system; the secondary shutdown system; the helium system; the vacuum system; the warm-layer circulation the emergency core cooling system (ECCS); the isotope chamber water cooling system; the pool-water feed and drain system; the reactor coolant purification system; the reactor pool-water purification system; the heavy water purification system; the heavy water condense system; the intermediate-level waste
换上攀岩鞋,系好安全带,抓紧手窝踩实脚窝,身体后仰攀上与地面呈60度夹角的岩壁,一脚踏空,就有可能飞身跌落,从头再来。  36岁的望凯,对这种落差感可谓再熟悉不过。十年前,他和同样“人傻胆大”的合伙人开了一家室内攀岩馆,门票十元一张,月入2万元;创业中期,攀岩馆却因一次搬迁连亏四年;垂死转型,不再守门卖票的望凯绝处逢生,终于在创业第十个年头迎来黄金期。  望凯的创业轨迹,正应了攀岩运动的真谛——恒
中子活化后生成的许多放射性核素能放出特征X射线。利用莫斯莱定律,可以简单地确定射线的能量与该元素的原子序数的关系,由此即能方便地鉴别样品中待分析的元素。 本文利用
我们在成功地用双源统计模型研究了SPS(158 AGeV Pb+Pb)反应中的多粒于产生后,又用此模型研究了RHIC((?)s=130 AGeV An+An)反应中的多粒子产生。结果表明:RHIC反应的源和SPS反应
The transitional nuclei in mass 80 region show a single particle and collective structure. It is dominated in low and medium spin by single particle nature and