专练二十五 完成句子(特殊句式及其它)

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  1. We________ (没走多远) we found that we took the wrong road. (walk)
  2. It was not the criticize but the way he criticized me________________ (让我生气). (make)
  3. My parents want me to study computer, but I want to study medicine.________________ (你建议我学什么)? (suggest)
  4. If you don’t go there tomorrow,________
  (我也不去). (neither)
  5. Jane always helps her mother with housework.________________ (多么可爱的孩子)she is! (how)
  6. Did you hear that Tommy passed the driving test.____________________(他的确是). (so)
  7.____________________ (比较这两句)and you’ll find the difference in structure. (compare)
  8.____________________(天气真好)it is! Let’s go for a picnic, shall we? (weather)
  9. Despite________________ (她病得厉害),she still went to school without asking for a leave. (serious)
  10. The boy who had helped me had gone____________________ (我还没来得及问) his name. (ask)
  11.____________________(我不是告诉过你吗)that I would tell you as soon as he came back? (tell)
  12. Jack is always lazy. I don’t think he has finished the project,________________(是吗)? (he)
  13. We shall go for a picnic tomorrow, you can choose to stay or to go with us,________
  (任何一种方式都行). (either)
  14. Health and happiness are________
  (同等重要)to our life. (equal)
  15. All those who have read the novel said that the novel is____________________(很值得一读). (read)
  16.________________ (我想他不会) go to the party tonight, since he will take part in an important test tomorrow. (think)
  17. It____________________(我突然想到)that I forgot to take the ticket with me. (occur)
  18. He put forward two suggestions at the meeting, but____________________(两个都不实用). (practical)
  19. It is said that she would rather die
  ________ (也不愿嫁给那个男人). (marry)
  20.____________________(他不可能)to have finished the task in such a short time. (impossible)
  21. Don’t____________________(想当然)that your parents will give you everything. (take)
  22.____________________(说到)playing computer games, he would be very excited and full of energy. (come)
  23.____________________(尽管听上去奇怪), his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting. (as)
  24. It was late when the party ended.________
   (更糟的是), it began to rain. (matters)
  25. The newly-published English dictionary is________________ (很有帮助)for beginners. (help)
1. The young man, who graduated from Beijing University, has excellent academic_________, but no work experience.  A. qualifications B. assessment   C. ambition D. comprehension   2. Being a sales ma
1. In areas where agriculture plays an important role people don’t attach_________ to education.  A. tension B importance  C. assistance D. restriction   2. Being a volunteer not only brings many
1. Guangzhou made great efforts and succeeded in hosting the Asian Games, which is a great_________ to the Chinese people.  A. delight B. adjustment   C. coincidence D. opportunity  2. Your
1.________________ (把他们的帽子) into the sky,the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory. (throw)  2. He turned around and disappeared in the distance,________________ (避免遇到我). (avoid)  
1. There is no need to hide it from him. he seems________________ (知道了)the truth. (know)  2. When the ship hit an iceberg and started to sink, the captain________________ (最后一个离开)the ship. (leave)  
1. Sophia________________ (不可能在办公室) now. I just saw her teaching English at the classroom. (work)  2. If it were not for the fact that she   ________ (不会唱歌), I would invite her to the party
1. They seemed________________ (正在争论) the price when I went in. (argue)  2. I hear Jane has gone to the Holy Island for her holiday. But I don’t know________ (她什么时候离开的). (leave)  3. Don’t touch
A  A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: “I am blind, please help.” There were only a few coins in the hat.  A man was walking by. He took a
1. To improve the quality of our products, we asked for suggestions________ (曾用过这些产品的人). (whoever)  2. Scientists have many theories about________ (宇宙是如何形成的). (come)  3. She is very dear t
1. John thinks________ (不久之后) he is ready for his new job. (be)  2. The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day    (除非被……陪) an adu