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面对国内宏观经济数据下滑、经济疲软的态势,有一类产品能跳出投资标的的束缚,在A股震荡下挫的状况下,继续为投资者创造绝对收益,那便是管理期货对冲基金。在管理层明确今年经济增长的下限及通胀的上限时,7月汇丰中国制造业采购经理人指数(PMI)初值为47.7,创下11个月以来新低,面对国内宏观经济数据下滑、经济疲软的态势,股票市场围绕2000点上下震荡,多以阴跌收尾,在这样的大背景下有一类产品能跳出投资标的的束缚,在A股震荡下挫的态势下,继续为投资者创造绝对收益,那便是管理期货对冲基金;自1990年中国第一家期货交易所郑州期货交易所成立以来,国内期货市场经历了二十余年资本市场的洗刷,并且有完善的交易机制,不仅可以做多也可以做空,有别于传统股票市场,大多数只能依靠股票上涨赚钱。 In the face of sluggish domestic macroeconomic data and weak economic conditions, one type of product can jump out of the bond cap and continue to create absolute returns for investors under the circumstance of a shaky A-share market. That is, it manages futures hedge funds. As management set a clear ceiling for economic growth and inflation this year, the HSBC China PMI for July was initially set at 47.7, the lowest level in 11 months. In face of sluggish domestic macroeconomic data and weak economic conditions , The stock market fluctuated around 2000 points and ended mostly in a negative tone. Under such a background, there is a category of products that can jump out of the bond cap and continue to create absolute returns for investors under the circumstance of a stock market turmoil. That is the management of futures hedge funds. Since the establishment of the first futures exchange in China in 1990, the futures market in the PRC has experienced more than two decades of scrubbing of the capital market and has a sophisticated trading mechanism that can not only do more Can also be short, unlike the traditional stock market, most can only rely on rising stocks to make money.