开创扭亏减困局面 根本在于转变观念

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水城钢铁(集团)公司从1994年下半年开始,效益大幅度滑坡,企业陷入了困境,今年以来学邯钢,抓改革,抓管理,在困境中求生存、求发展,上半年工业总产值比去年同期增长32.68%,减亏了660万元。我们的作法是: 转变观念是根本 2月22日,水钢召开“学邯钢,扭亏增效”动员大会,吴亦侠省长在大会上指出:“水钢出现严重生产经营困难的根本原因是观念落后,不适应计划经济向市场经济转变。”冶金部刘淇部长也谆谆告诫我们:“克服水钢当前困难,从企业内部来看,说到底,要有一个脱胎换骨的全员的思想转变过程。”大会后,水钢党政领导班子认真领会省、部领导的讲话精神,把转变观念作为首要任务,在全公司大张旗鼓地开展了“学邯钢,转观念,求生存”大讨论活动。 Since the second half of 1994, Shuicheng Iron & Steel (Group) Company has suffered a substantial decline in efficiency and the enterprise is in a dilemma. Since the beginning of this year, it has learned from Handan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., grasped the reform and grasped the management, sought survival in the background of difficulties and sought development. In the first half of the year, The same period last year increased by 32.68%, a reduction of 6.6 million yuan. Our approach is: change the concept is fundamentally February 22, held in Shuigang “learn Handan Iron and Steel, turn loss and increase efficiency, ” mobilization meeting, Governor Wu Yixia pointed out at the meeting: “Steel produced serious difficulties in production and operation of the fundamental The reason is that the concept of backwardness, not suited to the planned economy to a market economy change. ”Ministry of Metallurgy Minister Liu Qi also cautioned us: “ Overcoming the current difficulties of steel, from the enterprise point of view, after all, to have a reborn full of Thinking process of change. ”After the General Assembly, the leadership of Shuigang party and government leaders earnestly understand the spirit of the speech of the provincial and ministerial leaders, the concept of change as a top priority in the whole company in full swing to carry out "Big discussion activities.
该文结合英诗格律基础知识分析了三首经典诗歌,《深红的花瓣睡着了》《西风颂》以及《奇隆古堡》 Based on the basic knowledge of English poetry, this article analyzes
西宁市、各自治州人民政府,海东行署,省政府各委、办、厅、局: 省经贸委《青海省电解铝工业整合发展方案》已经省政府研究同意,现转发给你们,请认真遵照执行。 Xining City