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正在使用的语文教材中,作为文学样式之一的诗歌,其权重扩大明显,这是所有教材使用者的共同感受。《义务教育语文课程标准(2011年版)》要求:“诵读古代诗词,阅读浅易文言文,能借助注释和工具书理解基本内容。注重积累、感悟和运用,提高自己的欣赏品位。”附录1推荐背诵的诗文有60篇,其中古诗占到了40篇。苏教版中学语文教材编写组对这种“提高欣赏品味”理念的运用,达到了一个新的高度,仅以苏教版语文七年级上册教材为例,就收录诗歌21首,古今皆有,中外兼收。通过教学指引,帮助学生理解诗歌内容,提高鉴赏水平,是教 Among the textbooks in use, the weight of poetry, one of the literary styles, is greatly expanded, which is the common feeling of all textbook users. “Compulsory Education Language Curriculum Standard (2011 Edition)” requires: “read ancient poems, easy to read classical Chinese, with the help of notes and reference books to understand the basic content. Focus on accumulation, perception and use, improve their appreciation of taste.” “Appendix 1 There are 60 poems recommended reciting, of which 40 are ancient poems. The writing of the Chinese textbooks for secondary schools in the Supian version has reached a new height with the application of this concept of ”enhancing appreciation of taste". Only the textbooks of the seventh grade of the Supian textbooks, for example, contain 21 poems, both ancient and modern Yes, both at home and abroad. Through teaching guidelines to help students understand the content of poetry, improve the level of appreciation, is teaching
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